Police Determine Safety Concern at North Bend Montessori Was Misunderstanding

NBMontAccording to an email blast sent to North Bend Elementary School parents, a police investigation determined that an incident which occurred Wednesday afternoon, February 6, 2013, at North Bend Montessori was a misunderstanding – that no child was at risk.

The incident involved a grandparent who went to North Bend Montessori requesting to visit his grandchild, but mistakenly went to the wrong preschool.  Coincidentally, the school had a child enrolled with a very similar name to that of the child the grandparent was trying to visit.

School employees were concerned that an unknown man was asking for their student by name so they called the King County Sheriff’s Office to investigate.

Because the man mentioned he also planned to visit another grandchild in the Snoqualmie Valley School District, a couple of elementary schools were notified of the police investigation.

Today’s email stated that the Snoqualmie Valley School District learned of the incident yesterday and that Cascade View and North Bend Elementary Schools (as well as North Bend Montessori) took precautions while there was uncertainty this week.

The North Bend Elementary School email said, “Thankfully, the facts have been verified and this was an unusual misunderstanding and coincidence, and most importantly, there was never mal-intent toward any children.”




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