January 22, 2023
A Snoqualmie resident reported their vehicle had been stolen overnight. The car was not located and is still outstanding.
January 23, 2023
An officer responded to the North Bend Outlet Mall for the report of an unwanted individual who was harassing a store employee and refusing to leave. The employee requested the known person be trespassed from the store. The subject was trespassed from the store for one year.

January 23, 2023
Officers responded to the Chevron gas station on Snoqualmie Ridge for the report of an armed robbery. The suspect fired one shot into the business, stole the cash registered, and left in a black sedan. The suspect was later involved in a rollover accident near Tukwila, a carjacking of the vehicle that stopped to help, and another armed robbery in Seattle.
January 25, 2023
An officer responded to the North Bend Outlet Mall for the report of two individuals shoplifting. One person was detained. The other suspect was detained after circling the parking lot in a vehicle. One person was arrested for theft and obstruction. The other person involved had a $25,000 arrest warrant out of Skagit County and was booked in King County Jail.
January 25, 2023
An officer responded to the report of an individual breaking into a Snoqualmie home. The suspect was detained and booked into the Issaquah Jail.
January 27, 2023
An officer responded to the North Bend Outlet Mall for the report of a person shoplifting at the Nike and Gap stores. The suspect was detained with $759 worth of merchandise and had an arrest warrant for felony burglary in King County. The individual was booked into King County Jail.
January 27, 2023
An officer responded to the North Bend Michael Kors store for an early morning robbery. Two individuals were captured on video surveillance breaking glass, stealing merchandise, and exiting the store. Over $36,000 in inventory was stolen.
January 28, 2023
An officer performed a welfare check on a female who had reportedly been sitting in the Snoqualmie Safeway deli seating area for several hours, falling asleep, dropping items and possibly on drugs. During the welfare check, the officer contacted the female’s boyfriend, who it was determined had an arrest warrant for domestic violence assault in Renton. The male was taken into custody and booked into jail.
January 28, 2023
An officer responded to the North Bend Napa Auto Parts Store after an employee discovered an overnight burglary. There was damage to an exterior wall, and a safe was stolen.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]
Shots fired into the gas station on the Ridge. Huh. A place I’ve stopped hundreds of times for a fillup and coke. Most think since KingCo talks tough about guns, that they have a zero tolerance for guns. Hah. Teen Derrick Alexander was caught with an illegal 40-cal handgun and 200 fentanyl pills. The gun charge was “unlawful possession of a firearm in the second degree”
That gun charge carries a 5 year sentence. And since the gun was used while dealing drugs, this is a slam dunk, right? Now, for a county that claims to be serious about gun violence, how much time do you think the offender got? A city that is being destroyed by drugs, and they have a dealer illegally possessing an illegal gun. In other words, this person is a serious problem to the community. So, what did KingCo do? They released him to his mother. Not even with a monitoring bracelet. The judge told the mother to impose a 9 PM curfew and do not allow him access to firearms.
He was then arrested again, with a gun and drugs. This time a Glock 9mm. OK, so certainly someone that is serious about gun violence would drop the hammer this time, right? Nope. Back home the person went. But this time with an ankle monitor.
Melissa, it’s awesome the police blotter has been brought back. But I think most readers assume that serious crimes are resulting in serious jail time. They are not. We hear tough talk about gun laws, but when confronted with someone that needs to be taken off the streets, it doesn’t happen.
How about an interview with some local authorities to help us understand how much jail time you get for having an illegal gun in your pocket in the valley while being on parole? Or how much jail time you get for stealing $800 from the outlet mall? Or how much jail time you get for breaking into a home. Or dealing drugs? Not how much time the LAW prescribes, but how much time you actually get.
I think readers will be shocked. The county that talks non-stop about “safety” seems to be content to let criminals victimize over and over. Safety is just a word they say as they impose draconian measures on those that follow the laws. Real safety–aka safety from those that dont’ follow the laws and make a living by victimizing others–isn’t something they are too interested in achieving. We have a choice: Do we go the way of Seattle, or do we refuse to let the valley be destroyed by guns and drugs and theft and tents?
Right now, we’re headed down the same path as Seattle. It’s coming unless something drastic changes. 25 years ago I’d never dream that areas adjacent Pike Place would have tents and people writhing on the sidewalks in drug-induced stupors. Flagship anchor stores boarded up. Drugstores gone. Trash and graffiti everywhere. But here we are. We used to be so proud taking family members to dinner in Seattle. Long walks afterwards, ice cream. And summer nights along the pier that went on forever. Those days are gone. And it happened in a blink of the eye.
What is what 25 years of blue voting have wrought. And it’s coming to the valley. The trajectory is clear.
I agree. This reluctance to actually deter crime with consequences of the act is astounding. The police have so much to deal with because as soon as they arrest someone, they can be on the street committing further crimes in as little as 12 hours.