January 17, 2023
An officer responded to downtown Snoqualmie to perform a welfare check on two individuals in front of a commercial building, which turned into a criminal trespass response and a warrant arrest. As one subject was being transported to jail, he passed out, saying he had taken fentanyl earlier in the day.
The subject was unresponsive but breathing in the back of the police vehicle. Aid crews were called to the vehicle’s location to evaluate the subject. There were no signs of opioid use. The individual was taken to the hospital to evaluate his decreased heart rate. His warrant was put back into the system.
January 17, 2023

An officer performed a traffic stop of a vehicle in downtown North Bend. The vehicle blocked the roadway and then tried to park at a Metro bus stop. After the traffic stop, it was determined the driver did not have a license or the vehicle’s registration. The driver also had a warrant from the Pierce County Sheriff’s Dept for DUI. The warrant issuing agency would not take the individual on that warrant, though.
January 19, 2023
An officer responded to Railroad Ave for the report of a one-vehicle accident involving an SUV that went over a curb and was stuck in the grass. It was determined the vehicle’s brakes had failed and caused the accident. No injuries were reported.
January 20, 2023
An officer responded to a Snoqualmie residence for the report of an individual high on mushrooms and being aggressive. The caller reported the individual ran full speed into a wall and was bleeding from their face. An officer detained the person. Aid crews took the individual to the hospital for detox.
January 20, 2023
A caller reported their Ford truck had been stolen in downtown North Bend and was last seen heading west on SR 202. The stolen vehicle was spotted shortly later at Truck Town. Officers witnessed the stolen vehicle pass them but could not pursue it due to current state laws. The vehicle was later spotted going in the wrong direction on SR 18 in southeast King County.
January 21, 2023
An officer responded with the King County Sheriff’s Dept to an accident in the roundabout at the Snoqualmie Casino entrance involving one vehicle and an individual who fled the scene on foot. Officers followed a blood trail to locate the individual in the woods nearby. KCSO handled the accident investigation.
January 22, 2023
An officer responded to a North Bend residence after a caller reported they interrupted an individual prowling their vehicle, possibly trying to steal it, after gaining access through a rear window. The individual fled the scene after being interrupted. The reporting person described the car prowler and the direction they were last seen heading.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]
Officers witnessed the stolen vehicle pass them but could not pursue it due to current state laws another example of the current trend to take “enforcement” out of “police enforcement” and time to do away with hese ridiculous restrictions supported by our local law makers you know who!
“enforcement”… Really? Look what happened in Seattle. An innocent individual was killed when a police vehicle hit a pedestrian in a cross walk. Maybe the police need to focus more on “prevention” and achieve better results.
Where is the DUI accident the headline describes? Huh.
Drive with a dui warrant , no license or reg, not arrested? Stolen truck ended up going wrong direction on 18 not arrested? Eat mushrooms take him to hospital not arrested? WTF ?
Enjoy the lawlessness, WA state. This is what you voted for. And in every case, the person “let go” will go on to victimize others. With the blessing of politicians. Go ahead: Ask a politician what should happen to a 20 year old felon on parole found with an illegal gun while committing another crime? The law says 10 years in jail. But not in King County. In most cases nothing will happen. And you might even get your gun back. “We need tougher gun laws!” they scream. While ignoring the brutally tough gun laws already on the books. Remember the shootout near Pike Place a few years back? Those kids were multiple felons found over and over with guns. Nothing happened. And then, when tech workers were caught in the cross fire, idiot politicians said “If only we had tougher gun laws….” Both of those kids could easily have been in jail for 15 years prior to the pike place shootout with existing gun laws. If only.
All we hear from politicians is “we need to be safe,” “do you feel safe?” SAFE SAFE SAFE over and over. Safe from scary words. Safe from scary TV shows. Safe from disease. Safe from people without masks. But the real risk to your life and well being in KingCo isn’t words or disease. It’s crime. And when it comes to crime, the politicians have decided “you are on your own. Good luck. But let us know if someone says a word that hurts your feelings.”
The wrongway driver reported on SR18 could easily have killed someone. That road is dangerous enough when everyone is sober. But here, the police are forced to “not pursue” and the criminals drive the stolen car, high as kites, the wrong way on SR18.
The politicians are clowns. They care nothing about you. Every night on the news we hear again about cars being stolen by someone that should already be in jail. About a women getting raped by someone that should already be in jail. About someone getting beaten and robbed by someone that should already be in jail. By a fire that burns down something set by someone that should already be in jail. By someone getting hit by cement thrown onto the freeway by someone that should already be in jail.
The county and state doesn’t care about your safety or wellbeing. Look at their actions.
Our police have been reduced to a shuttle services for victimizers. Take the drug user to the hospital. Go look for the next drug user to take to the hospital. That we have so many drug users is again what WA state has voted for. Enjoy the pain and suffering you created, WA voters. I hope when you look at all the tents lined up, the women doing “favors” for drugs, the people slumped passed out in the rain…I hope you turn to your spouse and say “Honey, we did a really good job in our voting over the last few decades to get to this point. Good for us. We are awesome. ”
None of this is an accident. It’s all 100% intentional and byproduct of stupid voters. And it’s coming to the valley. So get ready.
Absolutely well put. Unfortunately, woke Seattle decides our governor and most the state legislature.