December 26, 2022 – Alcohol DUI
An officer performed a traffic stop on Snoqualmie Parkway and determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol. The driver was taken into custody by the officer.
December 27, 2022 – Alcohol DUI
An officer responded to Snoqualmie Parkway for the report of a wrong-way driver who hit a tree adjacent to the roadway. The driver was taken into custody for suspicion of DUI.

December 28, 2022 – Malicious Mischief
A Snoqualmie resident reported that someone had intentionally cut the holiday lights off their home.
December 30, 2022 – Burglary
A caller reported that someone may have broken into their Snoqualmie home, saying the back door was open when they arrived home. The homeowner reported that they searched the house but did not see anyone. Saying they were comfortable, the caller disconnected with dispatch and was advised to call back if they heard or saw anything. It was determined a short time later that a burglary had occurred, and an investigation was launched.
December 31, 2022 – Package Theft
A caller reported a suspicious vehicle with a male and female occupant driving through their Snoqualmie neighborhood stealing packages. A license plate number was provided by the caller. An officer responded and performed an area check, but the vehicle was not located.
December 31, 2022 – Juvenile Party
A caller reported a loud party in a North Bend neighborhood, stating there were approximately 40 people at the location. An officer responded and contacted the juvenile attendees.
January 1, 2023 – Arrest Warrant
An officer performed a traffic stop in North Bend and determined the vehicle occupant had an arrest warrant. The vehicle was towed, and the individual was taken into custody on a Dept. of Corrections escape arrest warrant.
January 1, 2023 – 911 Problem
Officers responded to a North Bend residence after multiple calls were made to 911 regarding a subject being aggressive with a relative. Contact was made with the home’s occupants and the caller. It was determined there were no issues.
January 1, 2023 – Retail Theft
A store employee reported two subjects, a male and female, stole bags of Legos and left in a black sedan heading toward I-90. An officer responded to take a report and obtain surveillance footage. An estimated $800 worth of merchandise was stolen.
January 1, 2023 – Disturbance
A caller reported an individual who appeared intoxicated was yelling at someone on the street in downtown North Bend. The caller then said there were approximately five people around the yelling individual. An officer responded to the scene. The person was taken into custody and booked into jail.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]