October 21st
11:35PM | Waterlogged
Officers were dispatched to the report of a vehicle that was stranded in the floodwaters near Meadowbrook and Reining Rd. The driver stated that they hadn’t realized the water was at a dangerous level and that the car wouldn’t start. The officer called a tow, but the water level had risen significantly and couldn’t be towed. The roadway was closed as the river was near full crest and the driver was given a courtesy ride to their residence.
October 22nd
2:10P | Not Your Stuff
An officer on patrol in Snoqualmie near the Town Pumps off Railroad Avenue observed a male subject walking who was known to have an active warrant. The male subject was detained while the officer questioned him and, in that process, stolen mail, drug paraphernalia, stolen checks and a
stolen credit card were found on his person. He was arrested and booked into the Issaquah Jail for the warrant, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of stolen property.
October 22nd
9PM | Unwanted Subject
Officers on patrol in North Bend were dispatched to the 45000 block of SE North Bend Way for the report of a male subject trying to enter their residence. The homeowner confronted the male subject who seemed confused. The officer arrived and tried speaking to the subject, but the subject became combative. Officers called for aid to transport him to the local hospital to be evaluated.
October 23rd
5:15PM | Dancing in the Streets
Officers were dispatched to the 8000 block of Railroad Avenue for several reports of a female dancing on the side of the road. Officers arrived and found a female in her mid-30’s dancing in the grass on the side of the road. Her name check returned clear and was asked to leave the area.
October 24th
4PM | Not Your Property
Officers were dispatched to the Outlet Mall in North Bend for the report of a female who stole shoes and was wearing them out of the store. Officers located the female subject and found items from surrounding stores that were stolen as well. Charges will be filed once all victims of theft have been identified.
October 24th
6:30PM | After Hours Violation
Officers on patrol in the area of Snoqualmie Point Park observed a vehicle in the park after closing. When the driver saw the officer, he began to leave in the opposite lane of travel. The officer activated his lights and the vehicle then moved into the correct lane of travel and came to a stop on the shoulder. The officer ran the name of the male driver which came back with a suspended driving status. The driver was detained and upon being asked to empty his pockets, a small bag of an unknown substance was found. The officer tested it and it came back positive for heroin. The male subject was arrested and booked into the King County Jail for felony drug possession.
October 24th
8:25PM | Hit and Run
Officers responded to the 7000 block of Fairway Avenue SE for the report of a hit and run collision. The reporting party stated that as they turned North onto Snoqualmie Parkway from Better Way, a newer silver sedan with a male driver hit her front bumper, continued down the Parkway and went East on Railroad without stopping. Officers will continue to investigate and
check any video from the area(s).
October 25th
2:25AM | Vehicle vs Pole
Officers were dispatched to the Safeway in North Bend for a report of a vehicle that struck a pole and was still running with a subject possibly slumped over the wheel. When officers arrived, they contacted the female driver who said she was just tired, but then admitted she had used methamphetamines earlier in the evening, but none were located. Charges for possession of drug paraphernalia were forwarded to the prosecutor.
Community Oriented Policing: The Prescription Drug Take Back event was held on Saturday, October 26th, in both Snoqualmie and North Bend. Snoqualmie took back 48 pounds and North Bend took back 41 pounds of unused/unwanted prescription medications.
[In addition to the incidents above, officers did 21 area/safety checks at local businesses and parks.]