March 27, 2023
A male driver in North Bend was pulled over for expired tabs and equipment violations. The officer observed an open container of alcohol in the vehicle’s cup holder, which triggered a field sobriety test. The driver was determined to be impaired, with a breathalyzer registering a .222 blood alcohol level – nearly three times the legal limit. He was booked in Issaquah Jail for DUI.
March 28, 2023
An officer made contact with a male subject who was in Snoqualmie Point Park after hours. The man told the officer he was kicked out of the casino, but his girlfriend was still there, and he was waiting for her. After the officer checked the subject’s name, it was determined that he had several warrants. He was booked for felony warrants and transported to jail. Prior to that jail transport, the male said he had swallowed an “8 ball” of meth, a common tactic for suspects trying to avoid going to jail. EMTs were called to evaluate the subject, who was cleared and transported to jail. While en route to jail, the male admitted he lied about swallowing drugs.
March 29, 2023
A male subject that steals about $1000 worth of merchandise a month from a North Bend Outlet Mall store was reported to be back at the location. When officers arrived, the male had left the store, and employees advised officers that he did not steal anything this time. Officers performed an area check for the subject and located him at the casino. After a positive ID from the store employees, the subject was trespassed from the store, arrested, and taken to jail on an outstanding warrant for vehicle prowling out of Auburn, WA.
March 30, 2023
An occupied stolen vehicle was spotted at the Snoqualmie Safeway gas station. When approached by an officer, the vehicle fled, running a red light. Due to state legislation, the officer was not able to pursue the vehicle. The officer tried to identify vehicle occupants using Safeway and Snoqualmie Casino surveillance video, where the vehicle had been spotted earlier.
March 30, 2023
Officers were called to check on a female who reported that she was not from the area, was lost and had been kicked out of a vehicle by a male. Officers contacted the male subject, who said the female was an acquaintance who had stolen money from him, so he told her to get out of the vehicle. After a discussion with officers, the female requested to get back in the vehicle with the male, and he agreed.

March 31, 2023
A North Bend business reported a male subject was acting strangely and appeared to be hiding behind a nearby dumpster. When officers made contact with the subject, he was crouched down, holding a large knife and a monocular. The male had no good excuse as to why he was hiding behind the dumpster. His identity was checked, and he was determined to have several warrants. He was arrested on his felony warrants and was also trespassed indefinitely from the location.
March 31, 2023
A Snoqualmie resident reported that the motorcycle they had purchased had been stolen just a few days prior. The motorcycle had been chained up. No suspect information is known.
April 1, 2023
A citizen reported that their Ring camera picked up a female taking a package from their porch. A description was provided. Officers did an area search and located the female. It was determined that she had stolen packages from numerous porches. She was booked for criminal trespass and theft third-degree. She has already been bailed out of jail.
April 1, 2023
A female caller reported that a male had exposed himself at her North Bend home. The male was outside the female’s home and urinated on her fence as she stood on the porch. Officers located the male in question. He was arrested for indecent exposure.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]