RECKLESS DRIVING | QFC, North Bend: On February 1st around 7:40PM, a caller reported that they had followed a swerving car to the store, but weren’t comfortable confronting the driver. Police responded but the subject had driven away and they were unable to locate him.
JUVENILE PROBLEM | QFC, North Bend: On February 2nd around 1:15AM, a caller reported two juveniles yelling and banging on vehicles, walking towards the casino. Police were unable to locate them.
DISTURBANCE | CASCADE COVENANT CHURCH, North Bend: On February 3rd around 12:15PM, officers responded to a woman who had an outburst following a meeting. The subject was trespassed from the location for one year.
NOISE COMPLAINT | BETTER WAY LOOP, Snoqualmie: On February 5th around 3:10AM, an upset caller reported that six workers were scraping ice off of the sidewalk in front of Domino’s, and the noise was keeping him awake. The workers were gone when the police got there.
SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES | NE 12TH & BALLARAT AVE, North Bend:On February 5th around 4:05AM, police caught a juvenile and two others blocking the roadway with barricades. The juvenile was arrested for disorderly conduct as well as minor in possession and consumption. The other two subjects were cited for disorderly conduct.
AREA CHECK | BENDIGO BLVD & SYDNEY AVE, North Bend: On February 6th around 7:50AM, police contacted a known subject under the bridge. He was all wrapped up with multiple sleeping bags and warmers and said that he was comfortable and didn’t need any help at the moment.
DISTURBANCE | TRUCK TOWN, North Bend: On February 6th around 8:25PM, a caller reported that a subject who was told he wasn’t allowed in the store had returned. The subject got verbally aggressive with the reporting person and told them to call the police. By the time officers arrived, the subject was already gone, and they were unable to locate him during an area check.
DISTURBANCE | SMOKEY JOES TAVERN, Snoqualmie: On February 8th around 11:30PM, a caller reported an aggressive customer who, after one beer, got very argumentative and rude with patrons and staff. He got more and more aggressive, left once, and then came back looking for his coat, which he accused the reporting person of stealing. Police arrived while the subject was still there, trespassed him from the location for one year, and gave him a courtesy ride home.
SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES | MALONEY GROVE AVE SE, North Bend: On February 7th around 10:45PM, a caller reported a suspicious man walking in the back alley who refused to stop or talk when they asked what he was doing. Police made contact with the subject, who said he was lost and trying to get back to his friend’s house.
THEFT REPORT | QFC, North Bend: On February 8th around 12:35AM, police responded to a report from a QFC employee of an attempted theft. A subject known to police was seen on surveillance cameras concealing magazines, shampoo, and other items in his jacket. After purchasing some items at the cash register, the concealed items then fell out. Police were unable to locate the subject, who fled on a bike and accidentally left his debit card behind. QFC requested he be trespassed from the store if located.
CITIZEN ASSIST | SNOQUALMIE PKWY & SE JACOBIA ST, Snoqualmie: On February 9th around 12:05AM, police responded to a snow plow which had gone off the road into a ditch. Police assistance wasn’t needed, as there was already a tow truck en route. The plow was towed out of the ditch successfully.
ASSAULT IN-PROGRESS | SURE SHOT, North Bend: On February 10th around 11:55PM, a caller reported about six people fighting in the streets. Once 911 was called, the subjects dispersed, and police were unable to locate them. The subjects slashed the tires of a vehicle before running off, and the victim wanted to press charges.
CITIZEN ASSIST | THOMPSON AVE SE, Snoqualmie: On February 10th around 2:55PM, police made contact with a subject riding his UTV in the street. The subject claimed he was told by the former police chief that he could ride his UTV on roadways. This was one of several times police had contacted him to tell him that he cannot do this.
SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES | DENNY PEAK DR SE, Snoqualmie: On February 11th around 1:30PM, a caller reported an unknown man peeking into their window. The caller had video footage from their front door security camera which confirmed this. Police were unable to locate the subject.
CITIZEN ASSIST | BOALCH AVE NW, North Bend: On February 11th around 10:35PM, police responded to a snow plow which had gone into a ditch. A tow was called but they were finishing up an incident on SR 18 and couldn’t arrive for approximately two hours because of the nearly impassible roads.
DISTURBANCE | CHEVRON, North Bend: On February 12th around 3:30AM, an employee called the police to report a customer in the store who was harassing them. They asked him to leave and he refused. The subject took off after the police were called. Apparently he was unhappy about the store’s tire chain policy.
DISTURBANCE | SMOKEY JOES, Snoqualmie: On February 12th around 7:55PM, an employee reported a drunk customer who was yelling obscenities and threatening the employee after they asked him to leave because he was too drunk. The employee didn’t want him trespassed or to press charges, they just wanted him gone for the night. The subject had walked home before police could make contact.
SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES | 400 BENDIGO BLVD N, North Bend: On February 13th around 1:50AM, police made contact with a known subject who had started a trash fire under the bridge. The subject was cited for summons for criminal trespassing charges.
JUVENILE PROBLEM | RIBARY WAY & FORSTER BLVD, North Bend: On February 13th around 5:40PM, police responded to a situation where two juveniles with a snowmobile were hiding in a ditch throwing snowballs at passing vehicles. Police advised them to go home, told them there would be penalties next time, and spoke with their mother.
TRAFFIC STOP | Snoqualmie: On February 14th around 12:50AM, police stopped a subject for driving without a license. Upon searching the car, the officers located an automatic knife, meth, and a meth pipe.
[In addition to all these, the Snoqualmie Police also received lots of calls during the snow storm regarding a variety of snow events. These included: vehicles getting stuck and/or abandoned, tow companies overloaded with calls, citizen assists, agency assists, roads being impassible, and many, many hazardous roadway conditions incidents.]

Seems like the arrest over at Finaghties of the drunk former politician missed this list.