June 19, 2023
Dispatch received a 911 call stating that a male with bolt cutters was attempting to break into an outbuilding in downtown Snoqualmie. Officers arrived and contacted a subject, who tried to conceal the bolt cutters with a sweatshirt. After a positive ID from the caller, the male was booked into Issaquah Jail for Malicious Mischief 3rd, Possession of Burglary Tools, and Attempted Theft.
June 19, 2023
After the weekend, a construction worker returned to work and discovered their Cushman Loader Dump truck had been stolen from a North Bend construction site. No suspect information was known.
June 19, 2023
An officer observed a road rage incident and stopped both vehicles. After speaking to a female driver in one of the vehicles, it was apparent that she was under the influence of alcohol, and there were also several alcoholic beverage cans opened in the vehicle. After refusing to do field sobriety tests, she was placed under arrest. The female was very uncooperative and resisted arrest. She was arrested for DUI.
June 20, 2023
A Snoqualmie resident called in to advise that she went out to her vehicle and noticed that her side mirror and been stolen. The officer noted that it was obvious that the plastic was removed, and the mirror was unscrewed from the body. No suspect information was known.

June 20, 2023
Officers were contacted about a male at a North Bend bar trying to get others to fight him and threatening to kill everyone there. The subject was trespassed from the location indefinitely and arrested for disorderly conduct and harassment.
June 21, 2023
A North Bend gas station employee called to report that an intoxicated male had arrived, fell out of his truck and attempted to buy alcohol at the store. Employees refused to sell alcohol to the subject due to his obvious intoxication, and the subject returned to his truck, where he passed out. Officers arrived and asked him to turn the vehicle off. The subject had difficulty locating the key in the ignition. First, he turned the volume knob back and forth; then he turned the windshield wipers on and off (there was no rain, and nothing was on the windshield); then he jiggled the gear shift lever; then finally located his keys in the ignition and turned the vehicle off. When he got out of the vehicle, he almost fell over. A search warrant for the driver’s blood was drafted and approved. He was taken to the hospital for a blood draw and arrested for DUI.
June 22, 2023
A female called to complain about ongoing harassment with her neighbors. The officer called the female, and the female was yelling and ranting on the phone, threatening to assault them and damage their vehicle. Charges were filed for Harassment of the female caller.
June 22, 2023
An officer was driving through the parking lot of the North Bend Ace Hardware store and observed a male with his shorts at his ankles. The officer stopped and contacted the male. He kept saying, “I couldn’t find a bathroom.” The officer observed a fresh pile of feces on the flagpole and on the ground. The male was cited for defecating in public.
June 22, 2023
Dispatch received a report of an alarm activation at a North Bend restaurant. When officers arrived, they saw a broken window. An employee was able to get to the restaurant and walk through with the officers. Items were missing, including the cash drawer. A male in the area at the time stated he saw a white pickup leave the location quickly after hearing glass break. No other suspect information was known.
June 23, 2023
A person called to report a vehicle accident in downtown Snoqualmie. It appeared that a moving vehicle struck a parked vehicle. While the caller was on the line, they witnessed a male hitting a female outside the vehicle. When officers arrived, they determined the male had struck the female for wrecking the vehicle. He was arrested on DV Assault 4 and taken to Issaquah Jail.
June 23, 2023
Two males who had previously shoplifted from a North Bend Outlet Mall store returned to the location, and each took five boxes of shoes and left in a vehicle on I-90. The same vehicle has been reported several times and had fled from officers. The total value of the loss was $1,417.
June 24, 2023
A female called and stated that two males were drinking alcohol in public in downtown Snoqualmie, and then one of them urinated in front of her and her two children. When officers arrived, the males denied that they had been drinking or that anyone urinated. However, the officers could clearly smell intoxicants and could see fresh urine. An infraction was issued for drinking in public, and the male who urinated was charged with indecent exposure.
June 25, 2025
Officers were advised that a known warrant subject was at a North Bend location. This male had five warrants (mainly DV related) totaling $92,000. They contacted the homeowner, who confirmed the male was inside and permitted the officers to enter. The subject was taken into custody without incident and booked into SCORE jail.
It just keeps getting worse. Week after week.
this facility INVITES you to become invoived, not on social media, PERSONALLY, as a stakeholder, valuing your input. Please, get up and do something other than this.. thanks. It is your life .. use it productively.. Thank You again. and if you have not. dive deep into this.. it is something new and interesting.