Update 8:30 AM, Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022, the following city roads remain closed due to flooding: Mill Pond Road, Reinig Road (near SVT Bridge/396th), Boalch Ave (near the entrance to Mt. Si Golf Course), as well as Three Forks Dog Park. Roads will remain closed for some time after the water recedes to allow for debris and mud cleanup. Thank you for adhering to road-closed barricades and for your patience.
Update 8:30 PM: The Snoqualmie River has reached flood phase 4. Major flooding is expected. Some areas may experience deep and/or fast flood waters and flooding of low-lying structures.
As expected, the Snoqualmie River is now at a Phase 3 flood alert, with the potential for moderate and widespread flooding in low-lying areas of the Snoqualmie Valley – including possible road closures.
At 12:30 p.m., the sum of the Snoqualmie’s three forks was 22,760 cubic feet per second (CFS), slightly higher than the Phase 3 flood alert level of 20,000 CFS.
At these flows, we could start to see flooding of varied depths across the Snoqualmie Valley, which means plenty of potential impacts to travel.

Roads that can overtop once the Snoqualmie River reaches these flows include Reinig Road/396th, Mill Pond Road and Pickering CT. Fall City-Carnation Road, West Snoqualmie River Road Southeast between Southeast 24th Street and Northeast Tolt Hill Road, Northeast Tolt Hill Road and Novelty Flats Road.
Find the latest road closure information at Kingcounty.gov/MyCommute. Please adhere to all emergency road closures, and never drive around emergency barriers or signs and onto flooded roadways. River flooding can be incredibly powerful, and the erosive force of flowing water can severely damage roadways.
To report a road-related issue, email Maint.roads@kingcounty.gov, or call the 24/7 Road Helpline: 206-477-8100 or 1-800-527-6237.
Don’t forget – the King County Flood Warning Center is open to monitor conditions, coordinate flood patrol crews, and answer your questions about this current flood event. You can reach Flood Warning Center employees at 206-296-8200 or 1-800-945-9263. Get real-time river level information at Snoqualmie Basin Flooding Information (kingcounty.gov)
The Flood Warning Center operates around the clock during these flood events; employees monitor stream gauges and keep an eye on weather reports and other information from colleagues with the National Weather Service and Northwest River Forecast Center. Employees are also in close contact with dam operators, emergency response organizations and others to help ensure continued public safety.
Contact the Flood Warning Center at 206-296-8200 or 1-800-945-9263 to get the latest information on flood conditions or ask questions about river flooding. You can also access our recorded message center using that phone number and get updates on river gauge readings, flood phases, and other related information.

Don’t forget – King County offers everyone free access to KC Flood Alerts that offer flood alerts on King County’s major river systems.
Sign up for KC Flood Alerts and receive immediate notifications about pending high water via email, text or voicemail on any or all of the major river systems in the county, plus Issaquah Creek.
Colder temperatures are expected following the passage of this weather system, with snow levels potentially lowering to 500’ early next week.
[Information provided by King County and the City of Snoqualmie]