There’s lots of construction happening just west of Snoqualmie Parkway as land is prepped to become a new Snoqualmie Ridge neighborhoods AND the school district constructs a new elementary school. As a result, a stretch of roadway is closed, but it seems some residents are bypassing the closure signs, possibly putting safety at risk.
In its weekly newsletter emailed to Snoqualmie Ridge homeowners on June 10, 2015, the Snoqualmie Ridge ROA (resident owners association) relayed a message to residents from Pulte Homes to practice more safety in construction areas.
Pulte is currently developing land parcels in Snoqualmie off of SE Swenson Drive, and due to large machinery moving in and out of these parcels, a portion of SE Swenson Drive that connects the Eagle Pointe neighborhood and Jeanne Hansen Park – from Moses Street until just before Snoqualmie Parkway – has been closed off temporarily.
This is also the same stretch of road near the site of the Snoqualmie Valley School District’s new elementary school currently under construction. Numerous large trucks and other heavy machinery are also constantly entering and exiting this construction site for land grading and site prep work.
Pulte Homes Sales and Construction teams asked the ROA office to “relay the importance of residents adhering to all Road Closure and No Entry signs posted around construction sites.”
The ROA’s newsletter stated that reports of pedestrians, bicyclists and strollers utilizing closed roads are growing and pedestrians using these closed roads is dangerous due to the large and loud heavy machinery, open ditches, visibility limitations, etc. Pulte Homes and the ROA do not want residents to put their personal safety at risk or unintentionally become injured.
Residents in the Eagle Point neighborhood should access Snoqualmie Parkway via Jacobia Street until construction is completed and the section of Swenson Drive is re-opened.