The City of Snoqualmie boasts one of the top park systems on the Eastside.
On National Parks and Recreation Professionals Day, celebrated on July 15 and recognized in a City proclamation by Mayor Ross, the city recognized the dedicated Snoqualmie Parks staff, who manage more than 40 parks and 25 miles of trails.
From mowing, ballfield maintenance, pruning, and mulching to trash collection and restroom upkeep, Park Staff work hard to keep the city beautiful and enjoyable for residents and visitors.
Caring for Our Trees
Through its forestry program, the city maintains and manages 10,000 street and park trees in neighborhoods throughout the city by planting, mulching, pruning, and trimming. The Arbor Day Foundation designated Snoqualmie as a “Tree City USA” for its commitment to effective urban forest management.

The nonprofit Green Snoqualmie Partnership, managed by the City Arborist within the Parks Division, helps maintain and advocate for the city’s urban forests and open lands.
Enhancing Our Community Year-Round
Parks staff place summertime flower baskets in the Historic Downtown and Snoqualmie Ridge neighborhoods along with helping decorate the trees with lights for the Snoqualmie Winter Lights festival.
Parks staff also work closely with the Public Works Division during all-hands-on-deck events, such as driving snowplows in winter to keep our streets clear.
“Green spaces help boost our mental health and physical activity,” said Mayor Katherine Ross. “We honor our Parks Staff and all they do to keep our parks beautiful and vibrant year-round.”
Learn more about the Parks Division, and thanks for all they do to maintain and enhance our city’s parks, urban forests, and quality of life.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]