Due to overnight snow, the Snoqualmie Valley School District announced early Monday morning, February 3, 2020, that schools would be open on a Two Hour Late Start.
SVSD buses will operate on Limited Transportation (Snow) routes to Areas A and B (morning only) due to snow on roads in North Bend and Snoqualmie.
Superintendent Rob Manahan said the late start will give plows time to clear roads, creating safer travels for all.
The district said in Fall City there are also a few road closures due to flood waters on roadways at the Tolt Hill Bridge Road and near SE 24th Street – saying the Transportation Department would send Bus Bulletin messages to families on those specific routes.
For residents who need to verify snow routes bus stop locations, visit the SVSD Emergency Transportation webpage.
The district anticipates regular bus routes for afternoon drop-offs as temperatures are predicted to warm during the day.