“To become the best School District in Washington State by any measure.” Well, that is certainly reaching for the top.
And, how about “Educate all children to prepare them for College, Career, and Citizenship.” All!
These new statements are the vision and mission of the first ever Strategic Plan, currently in development, for the Snoqualmie Valley School District.
You have the opportunity, and I would add that you have an obligation, to be a voice in this important process. Please get involved.
On Wednesday, January 29, 6:30PM, at Mount Si High School, an overview of this draft plan and its goals and objectives will be presented. The goal will be to gather important input from the community and staff.
Why is it important for you to get involved in this process?
This plan will ultimately provide a decision-making framework for the district. Decisions related to educational programs, facilities, school improvement plans and budget priorities, for example, will be made with the plan’s goals in mind. Whether you have children in the schools, work in them or live in the community, you will be impacted by these decisions.
Where are we in the process?
The outline of this plan, including 4 goals, were developed by the school board and Superintendent Aune in early November. With this outline in hand, the district’s administrative team went to work to develop the detailed actions to progress toward these goals. Although this first draft is only for 6 months, it will be for each school year to develop annual action plans. Ultimately, we will set measurable goals and tie progress into the district scorecard.
We are still at an early stage. This is all still in development. Community and staff input is a vital part of the process. Please get involved.
Even at this early stage, we have made a huge step toward an outline for an exciting future. We have set our sights high and, in my opinion, reachable for our students and our schools.
For more information, please visit the district website at www.svsd410.org.
Carolyn Simpson
Snoqualmie Valley School District Board of Directors,District 3