Northwest Railway Museum Receives Award For
“The Great Locomotive Swap”

On May 24, 2022, the Association of King County Historical Organizations (AKCHO) recognized the Northwest Railway Museum (“Museum”) with the 2022 Long Term Project award for “The Great Locomotive Swap.”

This honor called out the Museum for its role in arranging for the Kennecott Copper locomotive 201 to go to the Nevada Northern Railway, where it represents a significant piece of that region’s history, while bringing the NPR 125, the oldest surviving Northern Pacific Railway diesel-electric locomotive, and the only survivor from the Walla Walla Valley Railway, to the Museum in Snoqualmie. 

The project was completed last November with the Nevada Northern Railway Museum and represented one of the largest moves the Museum has ever been involved with.

Kennecott 201 is a model RSD4 produced by the American Locomotive Company (“Alco”) in 1951 and weighs in at a stunning 320,000 lbs.  The Northern Pacific 125 is a 197,000 lb. model HH660 produced by Alco in 1940. 

Both locomotives are rare survivors of the first generation of diesel-electric railroad locomotives, which supplanted the once-ubiquitous steam locomotive from North American railroads.

AKCHO provides a nexus for professionals and volunteers in the heritage and historic preservation communities throughout King County.

It serves as a centralized resource for and connection between King County’s heritage organizations, promotes professional standards for the heritage field, recognizes and commends organizations and projects that reflect best practices or leadership within the heritage community of King County, and advocates for and supports public policy or movements that strengthen King County’s heritage and history at the County, Municipal and State levels of government.

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