On March 4, 2021, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) approved the City’s Water System Plan (WSP). Prior to the DOH approval, the 5-year Water System Plan had been approved by the North Bend City Council, the King County Council, the King County Utilities and Technical Review Committee and the Washington State Department of Ecology.

The WSP outlines the City’s plan – consistent with Growth Management Act (GMA) requirements and other state law – to deliver safe and reliable drinking water to its current and future customers, including City residents and Unincorporated King County residents.
The DOH approval was the final step in the WSP approval process. The City will now implement the plan over the course of the next 5 years. The plan outlines City facilities, procedures, policy and future actions to guide important infrastructure projects to ensure the City meets its legal obligations to provide water to citizens and customers.
The City has and will continue to engage with local Tribes about meeting its water obligations for the health of the Snoqualmie River and surrounding environment while ensuring the delivery of safe, potable water.
Washington DOH Office of Drinking Water Deputy Director of Operations Derek Pell stated, “After asking a number of clarifying questions and receiving responses, our technical staff concluded that the documentation submitted by the City’s licensed professional engineering consultant demonstrated that the water system has sufficient capacity to serve the projected growth in the five year period covered by the planning document.” He added, “Both King County and the Department of Ecology reviewed the City’s water system plan and support our approval.”
Mayor Rob McFarland commented, “While the approval process for this plan was long, we are pleased that we reached the right outcome. In all we addressed feedback from multiple county and state agencies, along with interested parties and tribal governments, which helped shape the final document. We are also pleased that the agencies involved recognized the important role of local government in the development and implementation of the City’s Water System Plan.”
See the Final Water System Approval Letter HERE.
See the 2020 Water System Plan HERE.