The City of North Bend will hold a special City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 to interview candidates to fill open council position #6, which became vacant on July 1st with the resignation of councilwoman Jeanne Pettersen who is moving out of the city.
According to the July 10th meeting agenda, three candidates will be interviewed to fill Pettersen’s seat, including former coucilmember and Frankie’s Pizza owner, Chris Garcia; former city council candidate and IT Project Manager, Rich Wiltshire; and Heather Koellen, a Harborview Medical Center registered nurse and 19-year resident of North Bend.
During the meeting the candidates will be interviewed by city councilmembers, followed by an executive session to evaluate the candidates’ qualifications. The new councilmember will then be [publicly] appointed and sworn into office.
The July 10th special meeting starts at 7PM at the Mt. Si Senior Center located at 411 Main Ave. S in downtown North Bend.
You can see the full special council meeting agenda and see candidates resumes HERE.