At the April 4 City Council meeting, Mayor McFarland honored citizen Ron Crouch for many years of volunteer service, working to preserve local agriculture and open spaces in the Snoqualmie Valley.
Ron received a standing ovation from City Council, staff, and attendees as Mayor McFarland reflected on a lifetime of achievement. He spoke of his extensive volunteer work at Meadowbrook Farm and Tollgate Farm, being on the Credit Committee of the Sno Falls Credit Union, and Ron’s 50-year tenure on the Meadowbrook Farm Preservation Association Board.

“Ron Crouch has been a fixture in our town and integral to the success of both Tollgate and Meadowbrook Farm. He is helping to continue the history and heritage of local agriculture within the Snoqualmie Valley, which is important to North Bend’s character and identity.” Mayor McFarland commented.

Ron was commended for his service in mentoring new farmers, assisting them in learning how to raise and develop healthy animals through better breeding and nutrition. Part of Ron’s work involved serving on the Meadowbrook Farm Preservation Association board, which he began in 2005. “It is a life well spent, and he loves it. Once a farmer, always a farmer,” said his wife, Janice Crouch.
His service continued as Ron devoted much time and care to mowing fields at Meadowbrook with his own tractor, mower, and fuel. He also repaired Meadowbrook Farm tractors and mowing equipment. According to local historian Dave Battey, Ron’s mechanical knowledge is stunning, as shown during his time as manager of the millwrights at the Snoqualmie Falls Weyerhaeuser Mill. “The millwrights kept the mill humming, even though much of the equipment was built around World War I! Very few people today have the talent with equipment and farming that Ron so freely shared with us.”
Following comments, Ron spoke about the importance of good farming techniques, commending Si View Metropolitan Park District’s work on Tollgate Farm and the Meadowbrook Farm Preservation Association’s work on Meadowbrook Farm. “These are so important. I can see in the future that they will mean so much to the Valley and the people of North Bend,” he commented. “We’ve lived in the same house in North Bend for 65 years. We’ve lived here because the people are so very, very good, and we have so many great friends and great neighbors. I wish to say thank you to all of you.”
To view Ron’s recognition of service at the April 4 City Council meeting, visit the City’s Media Center webpage. The presentation begins at six minutes and 22 seconds.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]