North Bend City Council Member Jeanne Pettersen announced this week she will seek another term.
Via press release Pettersen stated:
“It is with enthusiasm that I announce that I will be running for re-election for my current position on the North
Bend City Council. I have been deeply honored to represent you for over 7 years and would like to serve one more term. Much has been accomplished with the help and input from our residents, but there is much more to do.
A top priority for me will always be public safety. Other goals include: To provide a safe and efficient traffic infrastructure; to maintain financial solvency; to attract additional and varied businesses to add vibrancy to the downtown core; to respect private property rights while continuing to work through zoning regulation changes to reduce density and to increase architectural diversity and green space within developments; and to continue to support improved opportunities for outdoor recreation in our city parks and trail systems.”
North Bend City Council positions 2 and 4, currently held by Alan Gothelf and Ross Loudenbeck, are also on the ballot this November. According to the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission, neither has yet filed. Along with Pettersen, they ran unopposed in the 2013 November general election.
Those interested in running for office have until May 15th to file with King County Elections.