After moving through the Planning & Community Committee following a public meeting and the Economic Development Committee, the amendments to the Hotel Performance Standards in the North Bend city code (RCW 18.10. 050) have finally been approved by the Council, paving the way for a hotel in the commercial interchange zone near exit 31.
At the city council meeting of December 7th, city staff recommended approval saying the amendments are consistent with the city’s comprehensive plan and support development of a much-needed use within the city that might not otherwise be possible.
Councilmember Koellen asked a clarifying question regarding tree protection along Bendigo Boulevard, to which Senior Planner Mike McCarty answered the trees are part of landscape regulations and would be retained.
During the public comment period, three North Bend citizens spoke out against the amendment to the Hotel Performance Standards. Michael Thomas, a vocal opponent of city development, expressed concerns over the height standard changes.

Thomas stated he is concerned the ordinance contains nothing to address environmental concerns such as sewer, water, noise, light pollution and other “ill effects of a hotel of this size and density.”
Mr. Thomas also conveyed concerns over the failure of the past proposed hotel on the corner of Bendigo and South Fork Ave SW and the resulting blight, saying the city track record on economic development is poor. Thomas feels the matter needs additional study, and citizens would be more supportive of a lower-height hotel.
Residents Steve Repanich and Jeff Krueger echoed Thomas’ comments, with Krueger adding that he feels North Bend citizens feel “beat down” and figure their voices don’t matter anymore. They both hoped that the Council would take their comments and consider them in their decision.
The motion to approve the amendments was then put forward by councilmember Miller and seconded by Councilmember Rosen, who noted a lot of work went into the amendments and said this is a good opportunity for the community to have this hotel ultimately built.
Chris Garcia, who was attending his last meeting as a council member, spoke up, saying the developers of the former hotel behind Safeway decided not to move forward. It was a business decision, and the city didn’t do anything to discourage the hotel. Garcia noted, “the people pulled the plug and left.”
As for concerns over water concurrency, Garcia explained that the former hotel lost theirs, so the water reserved for that hotel will be used by the new hotel. He went on to say the city is also concerned about the condition of the outlet mall, and hopefully, a new hotel will be a way for them to drum up business and reinvest in the mall.
Garcia finished by saying, calling the mall and the failed hotel a bad decision by the city is a “stretch.” The city isn’t sponsoring or funding either business, they are private businesses, and the city can only encourage their success.
The motion to approve the amendments to the hotel performance standards was carried unanimously.
Great job City Council and North Bend Administrators. The proposed hotel location is a good fit with the surrounding land uses and environment. It will also help the viability of a City that otherwise depends on real estate and property taxes to finance utility and infrastructure improvements in the City’s core while developers finance code compliant improvements proximate to their areas of development. There is a focus on maintaining the character of our community that needs projects like the new hotel to be built at the planned location approved by the City of North Bend.
Great! Another future eyesore that will be abandoned in a few years.
Future “Crack Den Hotel” coming to the area soon!
Hotels will be a great addition to the valley. The competition for guests will be heating up soon! But with all the amazing opportunities the valley offers it must be a safe bet to build a few hotels throughout it. I’d guess the next one will be much taller, larger and grander just like any good ol fashioned gold rush. Any guesses where the next hotel will be completed?
Interesting that pro-hotel comments were let through but my critical one was not. Yes it was cynical but this website allows posters to argue with each other saying much worse things.
Your comment ended up in my spam folder somehow. They are both up now
For clarity, my comment was not a pro Hotel comment, I was simply congratulating the City Management on a job well done. They approved a great location for what will be a prime project in an open forum with ample time to voice opinions.
I also believe we need to have an open forum with ample time to voice opinions regarding the budget required to run our City and how best to cover both Covid shortfalls and an upgraded sanitary sewer treatment plant to pay for. Revenues from hotel projects will certainly help in that regard.