If you’re out and about in North Bend this Saturday, December 2nd, during the big downtown Holiday Community Celebration, swing by the Visitor Information Center (right by Bartell’s) and you’ll find 5th grader Thomas Biggins hosting his 2nd annual Hot Chocolate Stand.

Thomas’s stand will be open from 10AM – 3PM and all proceeds will benefit Snoqualmie Valley Shelter Services.
Mom, Camille Biggins, says Thomas is a “self-proclaimed hot chocolate connoisseur” and his tasty hot cocoa raised $150 last year.
Homelessness has always been a poignant issue for the Biggins family who reside in North Bend, especially as the issue has grown in the Puget Sound region.
She said, “We just want those who might feel forgotten or lost during this harsh, cold season to know that we see them and we care.”
Thomas attends Snoqualmie Elementary School and it seems he’s become quite the expert on hot chocolate stands over the years, hosting his first stand at a post-Thanksgiving garage sale when he was just 6-years old.
In addition to the $150 Thomas donated to the shelter last year, the family was also able to also make some clothing donations.
Good Luck Thomas!