Following the historic February 11th Snoqualmie Valley snowstorm, Living Snoqualmie asked the question, “Who thinks local Public Works crews deserve a vacation in a warm place?”
It was just simple intro to a social media post on the local storm recovery effort, but apparently it got Kris Winslow of Messa Group Real Estate thinking. She contacted her business partner, Alicia Messa, and the rest is history…the challenge was immediately accepted.
On Monday, February 25th, through a collaborative effort, the Messa Group and Living Snoqualmie announced they are providing vacation accommodations for a snowmaggedon hero.
So many AMAZING stories were told during Snowmageddon about heroic community members going above and beyond what was expected for their friends, neighbors, and even complete strangers. We want YOU, as Snoqualmie Valley community members, to nominate your HEROs of Snowmageddon.
We are looking for your stories about city workers AND private citizens…anyone that made you take note of their kindness (#BeKindSV) during Snowmageddon.
Email your stories to Stories will be accepted through March 11, 2019.
The Messa Group and Living Snoqualmie will be joined by the Snoqualmie Valley Chamber, the Snoqualmie Valley Community Network, the SV Kiwanis Club and the SV Rotary Club to read and judge the stories. The top story will be announced March 25th and the Hero of Snowmageddon will be awarded FREE vacation accommodations – 12 locations to choose from including 5 in Mexico, 2 in Thailand, Las Vegas, Florida and 3 other US locations.
Now start writing Snoqualmie Valley!