No, Snoqualmie Ridge was Not on Fire This Morning, Blame It on an Ailing Logging Truck

Did you notice thick smoke billowing into the blue skies over Snoqualmie Ridge this morning?  Thought maybe there was a house fire?  Nope.  Not a house fire, but rather an ailing logging truck chugging its way through the Valley and over Snoqualmie Parkway.

Witness Derek Young said saw the truck hauling a full load of logs, chugging its way up steep Snoqualmie Parkway toward I-90 around 8:20AM, April 1, 2013.  Derek said the truck spewed thick, black smoke all the way up the Parkway, adding it was so thick that the sky was dark for a few hundred yards behind it.

Who knew one truck could produce that much smoke and not be on fire?

Ailing logging truck traveling up Snoqualmie Parkway, 4/1/13
Ailing logging truck traveling up Snoqualmie Parkway, 4/1/13

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