It’s FINALLY done! Last year it was a design on paper. Today it is reality for Snoqualmie Valley kids.
The newest amenity at revamped Torguson Park in North Bend – the Pump Track BMX Bike Park – recently started thrilling riders, and Si View Parks says it’s definitely cause for celebration.
There will be an official ribbon cutting ceremony, Friday June 1st, to celebrate the new and improved bike park. At 3PM the ribbon will come down, followed by demo rides and guided practices for kids of all ages until 6PM.
The following day, June 2nd from 11AM – 3PM, there will also be an Pump Track Party, hosted by Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance, complete with contests, prizes and more.
The 35,000 sq. ft. bike park is located on the southwest side of Torguson Park – off North Bend Way near Les Schwab Tires – and offers something for all rider levels. It’s replacing an old user-built course with an all-abilities track that has both advanced and novice features. There’s also a Striders track that offers a safe space for young children learning how to ride where parents can walk along and help.
The Bike Park project – which has been in the works for about two years – also renovated an underutilized area of Torguson Park with landscape improvements, seating areas and a more visible entry point and new signage from North Bend Way.
According to Si View Parks, the project addressed a challenging environmental setting in a floodplain, restoring over 1,500 sq. ft. of natural wetlands, 9,300 sq. ft. of wetland buffers and built a 3,200 sq. ft. rain garden to receive and treat storm water runoff.
The Man with BMX Bike Park Passion
Torguson Bike Park project was a collaborative effort between Si View Metro Parks and the City of North Bend, along with strong community leadership and support, including that of Rob McFall, who built the original bike park 18 years ago in an effort tp provide a legal spot for BMX riders and racers in the Snoqualmie Valley.
To some residents, Rob is the heart and soul of the North Bend BMX Bike Park. North Bend resident Kathy Hyland went so far as to call him a local [unsung] hero, volunteering endless hours to help local kids ride bikes safely.
Kathy described Rob’s passion and efforts over the past two decades:
“Over the years Rob has racked up thousands of volunteer hours just so people have a safe, fun experience riding bikes. This new bike park is a reality because of him. Drive by on any given fair-weather afternoon or weekend and you’ll see the mounds full of riders and Rob will be there either with a rake in his hand keeping the hills in good condition, a tool in his hands fixing bikes – or teaching kids how to ride the hills. He is inspiring kids to keep active and stay out of trouble. He is inspiring parents to spend time with their kids riding bikes.”
For Rob it’s always been about the kids. In a previous article he told us, “I’ve seen kids grow up on that bike track, improving skills and maturing as people. I’ve seen kids go from learning how to ride to becoming a nationally ranked racers.”
Now a new generation of kids have an even bigger and better bike park. The park is now open so stop by and give it a test spin, Snoqualmie Valley!
Other groups and volunteers also helped make the new park a reality, Including the Mount Si Mountain Bike Team which committed hundreds of volunteer hours building, smoothing, leveling and testing tracks in all sorts of weather. Funding for the project came from King County Youth Sports Facilities Grant program, City of North Bend, Si View Metro Parks, and Si View Community Foundation.

[Photos courtesy of Si View Parks and North Bend BMX Bike Park Facebook page.]
The Snoqualmie Valley School District was absent from the creation of this great facility for kids and our community. Not only was the district absent but they continue to obstructe and make this wonderful new facility for the community less than it could be. I thought the mission of the school district had something to do with children. You might look into the indefensible thinking that seems to have the School District believing that the ‘best use’ for land they already own is ‘Downtown commercial’ rather than a bike park. GO figure.