New Business Brings Quality Home Renovations and Handyman Services to the Snoqualmie Valley

Wally Cruz, a seasoned real estate professional with over 15 years of experience in property management and renovation, has launched a new venture to provide high-quality handyman and renovation services to the residents of Snoqualmie Valley.

Cruz’s journey into real estate began in 2006 when he moved to Pensacola, Florida, to join his friend Matt Gamble and his father George Gamble in their business, GRC Property Management, LLC.

Starting with just 30 properties, Cruz played a crucial role in expanding their portfolio to over 200 units within six months, gaining invaluable experience in property renovation and management along the way.

In those early years, Cruz learned everything from the ground up, starting with basic tasks and gradually taking on more responsibilities. The company grew rapidly, and Cruz found himself deeply involved in all aspects of property management, renovation, and maintenance. This hands-on experience cultivated a strong passion for real estate and the value of hard work.

Upon returning to Washington, Cruz continued pursuing his passion for real estate. He joined a company specializing in property flipping, where he honed his skills in identifying improvements to maximize property value.

Despite enjoying the work, he felt constrained by its limitations in quality and rising housing prices, which did not always reflect the true value of home updates. This experience reinforced his commitment to quality workmanship and honest business practices.

In 2019, while touring a house in Fall City with his wife Erica, Cruz proposed finding land and building a perfect home for their family. Although they did not buy that house, the experience ignited a new vision. The Cruz family eventually found and lived on a property for a year while planning their dream home.

Breaking ground in 2021, Cruz oversaw the project from raw land to completion. This project exposed him to the challenges of home construction and the importance of accountability in the building process.

After completing their home in 2022, the Cruzes were disappointed with some aspects of the construction and the lack of accountability from their builder. These frustrations and the subsequent repairs Cruz undertook inspired him to take a more active role in the home improvement industry. The realization of his extensive knowledge and the need for reliable service in the community led to the founding of Wally Cruz Residential Repairs and Renovations LLC.

This company aims to fill a niche in the Snoqualmie Valley community by providing reliable, high-quality handyman and renovation services. Cruz plans to start with small projects and gradually take on more complex renovations, always ensuring the best service and quality of work. His business will cater not only to individual homeowners but also to real estate clients looking to maximize their property value through well-executed updates and repairs.

Cruz’s approach is rooted in integrity, hard work, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. He believes these principles will set his company apart from other handyman and renovation services in the area. “I will talk you out of more houses than I will ever talk you into” reflects his dedication to helping clients find the perfect home by focusing on quality and potential.

Cruz also understands the importance of balancing work and personal life, especially with two small children at home. His experience managing time and maintaining family priorities will be crucial as he grows his new business. He plans to keep his company small, allowing for personal involvement in each project and ensuring high standards of workmanship.

He also wants to provide after-hours/emergency services if needed. Says Cruz, “In my company down in Florida, I was the one with the emergency phone that would ring on Thanksgiving to help a tenant out. Although I do have a family and would not like to leave them during our family time, I do know that after-hours issues happen and being able to help someone in our community in a pinch would be great.”

For more information about Wally Cruz Residential Repairs and Renovations LLC or to schedule a consultation, residents can visit the company’s Facebook page or contact Cruz directly. This new venture promises to bring a fresh perspective and reliable service to the home improvement needs of the Snoqualmie Valley community.

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