In a monthly update, the Snoqualmie Valley School District reported that construction of the new Mount Si High School remains on budget and on schedule to open in the fall of 2019.
The state-of-the art $200 million raised, three-story 350,000 sq. ft building has a 2,300 student capacity and also incorporates parking stalls below it. It was is built to strict earthquake codes that required extensive ground stabilization work before construction could even commence. It was also raised to meet current flood code.
The school is expected to meet the capacity needs the growing Snoqualmie Valley for years to come as the most recent SVSD enrollment report shows the new Mount Si HS is likely to open approximately 500 students under capacity next year. [SVSD has approximately 300 juniors and seniors who attend Running Start at Bellevue College and another approximate 80-100 high school students attending Two Rivers School – which are reasons the new school is expected to open well-below capacity.]
This summer the majority of the old Mount Si HS l will be demolished – except for the Performing Arts Center. Temporary walkways and fencing will be installed so that students can access the auditorium and its classrooms next year.
During the 2019-20 school year, the new Performing Arts Center (PAC) will be constructed where the school’s main gymnasium now stands. The PAC will be the last new building component to be constructed and will be located on the north side of the new gymnasium, with a walkway connecting the two.
New parking lots and new baseball/softball fields will also be constructed during this time, located where the current building now stands. The new multi-use fields will be constructed of field turf for year-round usage and be lighted.
When new Mount Si opens next year, the current MSHS Freshman Campus will become Snoqualmie Middle School again as the district returns to a three middle school model, alleviating over crowding at Twin Falls and Chief Kanim Middle Schools.
More information on the MSHS Rebuild project can be found HERE.
The rebuild was funded by the February 2015 voter approved $244 million capital bond.

How many students would otherwise be enrolled in SVSD, but are home-schooled instead?
I would suggest asking the district. They may have estimates regarding private school and homeschool numbers, but we do not know that number.