A new cell tower near Snoqualmie Ridge is currently in the planning phase with King County Permitting.
Earlier this month King County Permitting mailed written notifications of the project to a few residents living in close proximity to the proposed site near the Braeburn neighborhood.
According to the Notice of Application, the proposed cell tower project is called ‘AT&T Snoqualmie Expansion’ and will be located at 8309 372nd PL SE, which is in unincorporated King County.
The applicant, SmartLink Group of Kirkland, is requesting a conditional use permit to build a “new 100 foot tall monopole within a 50′ x 50′ leased area with access, parking, utilities and landscaping.”
Public comment for the project is from August 12th through September 5th. Written comments can be submitted to King County DLS-Permitting at tracy.cui@kingcounty.gov.
According to the county, a public hearing is not required for this application prior to DLS-Permitting making its decision, but that decision can be appealed to the King County Hearing Examiner later.
Nan McCutchan, who received written notification of the project, feels the project is being done quietly to try and prevent opposition from residents. She said only a few Braeburn residents living closest to the site were even notified.
King County, though, is only required to notify homes located within 500 feet of proposed projects such as this. In the case of this proposed cell tower, there are approximately 70 homes located within a 1500 foot radius. [Photo below]
McCutchan and other Braeburn neighbors are concerned the proposed cell tower will have negative health and environmental impacts. Residents are also concerned the tower will negatively impact home values.
Braeburn neighbors opposed to the project are hoping to connect with residents of the nearby Fisher Creek neighborhood since they say it’s unclear if any of those residents were notified of the project.
Per the letter mailed to residents, the public comment period may be the only opportunity to also comment on the environmental impacts of the project proposal, as the “responsible official has a reasonable basis for expecting to issue a SEPA Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) on this project.”
The letter continued, “As such, the optional DNS notice process is being used pursuant to WAC 197-11-355. The project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an Environments Impact Statement (EIS) is prepared.”

Perhaps narcissistically, maybe such a tower would fix the perennial cellular dead spot I’ve experienced near and below Fisher Creek park along the parkway. Will it be visible from the homes whose owners/renters are worried about impact?
Yes, it will be visible and once it’s put up they can add to it and make it taller without notification.
There are many places where it can be stood up that can be less hazardous to the environment and people and offer good coverage to people. Building it closer to a community is a concern given known impact on environment, real estate value and health.
Take a look at the first map. None of us on 82nd st and 364th were notified. We found out via an email from a neighbor just last week. I’m at a loss for words!
The most suitable location for the tower site. You either have service or you don’t. It’s funny, people that complain are the first in line when the new iPhone is released.
Alex F. Blasscyk – Main Stream Telecom II, LLC