Responsible for our clean water, reliable plumbing, and clear streets, the City of Snoqualmie’s Public Works Department staff provide customers with quality services year-round that contribute to everyday life.
Thanks to the dedication of engineers, managers, and employees, Snoqualmie residents have access to the following essential services.
Drinking Water
The city provides public water service, utility management, and water system development in the city limits and unincorporated areas to serve approximately 14,000 customers. City water comes from three sources: Canyon Springs, the North Wellfield near Tokul Road, and the South Wellfield near downtown Snoqualmie.
Sanitation includes managing the City’s wastewater through its award-winning wastewater treatment facility. Through the 2023-2028 Capital Improvement Plan, existing and new City projects will increase sewer capacity to meet future resident and economic growth projections, improve system reliability to ensure continuous operability and enhance efforts to protect public health and the environment.

The city maintains well-functioning streets and roadway infrastructure. This includes pavement overlays and markings; sign maintenance and repair; drainage systems; street reconstruction; and snowplowing and de-icing during winter storms.
Stormwater is the rain and snow that runs off our lawns and roads. The City of Snoqualmie references the 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual as guidance for stormwater design. In addition to infrastructure, the city creates education efforts to help minimize stormwater pollution in our area.
Recycling and Garbage
The city has partnered with Waste Management of Washington to provide curbside garbage collection, recycling, and yard/food waste for all residents and businesses.
Learn more about the Public Works Department and its many services on the city website.
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]