My Snoqualmie Snow Storm Dream Dashed!

So much for dreams of a foot of snow and a day off from the real world Snoqualmie.  According to the National Weather Service ( the hope of a major snow storm in the Puget Sound region is looking more like a daydream.   Yesterday it looked like a real possibility, but the newest computer weather models again remind us how hard it is to forecast our area’s weather more than a couple of days out.

Scott Sistek, KOMO weather producer, said from the start a big snow event depended on the landfall location of a storm approaching from the southwest.  That storm needed to make landfall south of us… like southern Washington… to keep pulling in the cold northern air.  And if it went to the north of us…. well, case closed, the warm southern air would scour out the cold northern air.

It looks like that weather system is heading toward Vancouver Island now… so even if Tuesday night starts as snow – it won’t stay as snow for long.  For the record, this is my least favorite type of snow event.  Snow that starts good, looks pretty and then turns to rain….  turning my long-awaited snow to slush and mess.

For those of you waiting for a school snow day… not so sure that will happen unless Mother Nature changes course in the next 48 hours.  It is possible, though.  I know this because the snow storm that hit the day before I was to catch a plane to Mexico was supposed to leave an inch or two.   And we all know what happened with that one!  Freeways became parking lots and the kids got an extended Thanksgiving vacation.

Still waiting for a snow underdog story… just like our Seahawks!  Go Snow!!!

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Living Snoqualmie