Mt Si High School – Strong Friends Holding Together

Our high school experienced a tragedy over the weekend.  I kept thinking my next post would be about the lessons I learned head coaching my first soccer game…. thoughts about what I learned from losing and the positive things I took away from the experience.  It seems small now….

I was awakened Saturday night by my hysterical 15 yr old daughter.  Her good friend had a terrible accident and is in an ICU hospital ward.  She is worried she might never see him again.  She wants to know how can she go to school and he not be there?  Suddenly  soccer lessons aren’t so important….

I slept in the family room near my daughter as she cried all night.  We lost her grandpa to cancer two summers back, but that did not prepare her for this…. or prepare me on how to guide her through the feelings of helplessness.  Thoughts of mortality aren’t easy for anyone …. but even harder when the person you worry about is so young.  Harder when you’ve listened to their plans for the future and now you just hope they get a chance at that future.

I have witnessed great love, support and strength within the high school community this weekend.  My daughter’s friend has been at the hospital supporting his injured best friend and the family for days.  The last time I saw this boy he was shooting baskets in my backyard and laying on my couch watching Glee.  Now he is a picture of strength for the MSHS community.  He is hurting yet keeping everyone positive and strong…  What an amazing young man….

My daughter just informed me that her friend is improving some.   He is still not awake, so keep the positive thoughts coming…. for an injured boy and his family, and for all the hurting and confused kids at MSHS.  They may feel so grown up, but they really need their parents now.

This is a great community……

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Living Snoqualmie