Mt Si High School – It’s A Healing Process

Mt. Si High School experienced a tragedy this week that profoundly touched its learning community of students, staff and parents.  Everyone is struggling to process not only the loss of a special person, but also the shock of the circumstances.

Healing is a process that takes time.  Our kids are most importantly mourning the death of a friend – regardless of the circumstances surrounding the loss.  Yes, they will learn from the circumstances, but a loss is a loss… and it hurts the soul.

Many students are wearing white t shirts with a big, red CB on the front. I know Annie won’t take hers off. She feels it signifies her love for a lost friend.  I am sure many others feel the same.  This is  what these t shirts represent – pure and simple – and are part of a whole healing process.

The students feel it is important to support their friend’s family in any way they can – whether it’s with written sentiments, prayers, hugs or fundraisers.  Many parents feel the same way.  We have kids the same age.   We hurt for this family.  We are pragmatic and realize it might have been our child.  We want to learn.  We also want to wrap a hurting family with love, but respect their request for privacy.

Our community has really come together this week.  It is truly an amazing thing.  Why is it the trivial things divide us and the significant things unite us?  I vote for realizing what’s trivial and focusing on the significant things…..

**Dedicated to Annie and Andrea… their feelings for the same boy once threatened to divide them and somehow now unite them.

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