Mount Si Second Senior Prank Falls Short of the January Snow Pile

It was a big day at Mount Si High School today, and a little bitter-sweet as the class of 2012 entered its final week walking the Mount Si hallways.  Next Friday, June 8th, is graduation.

The annual “Moving Up” assembly happened this morning.  Each class grabbed their new, respective spots on the gym bleachers.  The senior class exited their coveted spot, while this year’s junior class grabbed their spot atop the high school hierarchy.

The second “Senior Prank” was also revealed today.  In January, the first prank had me laughing when I dropped my kids at school and saw remnants of the massive parking lot snow pile snow moved in front of the school’s main doors; an 8 foot snow pile blocking the school’s front entrance.  Granted, my expectations were high when I heard through the grapevine that the funny snow pile wasn’t the “real” prank.  Another one was still to come.

There was a little “creative prank” let down today.  The senior class prank was simply graffiti sprayed across the front of the school building.  Understandingly, the snow pile was a lot to live up to, but still… come on guys, graffiti?  Some commented that this seemed more like vandalism than a prank.

Hoping Principal Belcher has extra paint stored at school, and that he isn’t the one to scrub and re-paint the building.  Note to next year’s seniors, how about a prank that doesn’t require new paint (possibly purchased with district money) to fix, just man power like the snow pile?  Remember, snow melts.  Paint stains.

Snow and paint aside, I will miss this year’s senior class – a class filled with amazing kids and big hearts.  Good luck to all of them as they begin the next chapter in their lives.  I feel lucky to have gotten to know a few of you.  Now, fix the building!


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  • My class had senior benches. we burned them at a graduation bonfire then gave the ashes (and hundreds of bottle caps) to the principal upon crossing the stage…

    my brother’s class stacked tires up in front of the front door.

    i’ve seen some good ones.

  • Living Snoqualmie