Memorial Day Ceremonies Honor Fallen Veterans across the Snoqualmie Valley

American Legion Post 79 will again this year be honoring fallen veterans at all local cemeteries. Here are some of the Memorial Day Ceremonies happening across the Snoqualmie Valley on Monday, May 30, 2016.

Individual ceremonies will be held at each of the following cemeteries, with flag colors presented by local Scouts and Legion Post 79 firing volleys with taps.

  • Preston Cemetery:  9AM (308th Ave SE, Issaquah, WA)
  • Fall City Cemetery: 10AM (Cemetery Rd, Fall City, WA)
  • North Bend: 11AM (43002 SE North Bend Way)
  • Snoqualmie Post Veterans Memorial: 12PM (38625 SE River ST, Snoqualmie )

A community open house and free lunch at the Snoqualmie post will follow the 12PM ceremony – and is generously provided  by the American Legion Auxiliary.

Past Snoqualmie Valley Memorial Day ceremony. Photo: Pam Collingwood
Past Snoqualmie Valley Memorial Day ceremony. Photo: Pam Collingwood
Past Snoqualmie Valley Memorial Day Ceremony. Photo: Pam Collingwood

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