Snoqualmie City Councilmember Jim Mayhew announced on Friday, May 10th, that he would run to retain Position 4, the seat he was appointed to on October 9th, 2017.

Mayhew has lived in Snoqualmie with his wife and two sons since 2009. A certified public accountant, his career includes Chief Financial Officer for a multi-national company and a partner with KPMG, an accounting and consulting firm.
Per the campaign announcement, “He has pushed for increased transparency in council actions including accommodating increased resident input at committee meetings and supporting town hall and coffee-with-a-councilmember forums. And he has advocated strengthening the Council’s budget policies to ensure stable, sustainable matching of operating expenses with recurring revenues and to establish adequate, dedicated funding for capital needs. This includes assigning specific revenues to fund capital renewal cycles for streets, parks and open spaces, and other infrastructure as well as funding facilities improvements.”
Mayhew commented, “It has been a privilege to devote much of my time for the past two years as a Snoqualmie councilmember. Giving back to my community has always been a priority, and I have served on community non-profit boards through most of my life. It has been a steep learning curve – our city is no longer a small town where a few neighbors can solve challenges on the fly, but rather a complex operation requiring detailed understanding and thoughtful planning.”
Mayhew will face former councilmember and mayor Fuzzy Fletcher in his campaign to retain council position #4. Fletcher announced last month that he would run for council after an unsuccessful mayoral bid in 2017.
Mayhew said his priorities as a councilmember are enhancing the quality of life by improving traffic, particularly the I-90/SR-18 Interchange; improving our community facilities, parks and open spaces, and steering community determination of a “financially sustainable future Snoqualmie.”
King County Elections candidate filling begins on May 13th. If another candidate in addition to Fletcher and Mayhew runs for position #4, an August primary will be required to determine two candidates for the November general election.
For more campaign information visit