As warm springtime weather descends upon the Snoqualmie Valley, King County Search and Rescue (KCSAR) crews are keeping busy, responding to the Mount Teneriffe trail, located near popular Mount Si in North Bend, on Thursday, April 7, 2016 for an injured hiker.
The King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) got the call around 1PM. KCSAR Public Information volunteer Alan LaBissoniere said the man in his 40’s fell and possibly broke his collarbone.
According to early reports from the KCSO, the man was near the top of the Mt. Teneriffe trail, which reaches about 4,700 feet. The trail is almost 14 miles roundtrip. A later report stated the man was about two miles from the trailhead.
LaBissoniere said the man fell about 50 feet into a creek bed, possibly way off the trail. He said crews were preparing rigging equipment to hoist the injured man from the creek bed.
Search and Rescue crews got the man back to the Mt. Teneriffe trailhead around 5:15PM. LaBissoniere said the man was in a lot of pain and was transported to the hospital by his wife.