After over a decade of the Boeing Classic calling Snoqualmie home, the jet flyover that signals the start of the PGA Champion Tour golf tournament still catches some residents off guard.
So here’s you warning… Friday, August 26, 2016 at 11:20AM a large Boeing jet will fly LOW (usually around 1,000 feet) over Snoqualmie. This year a Korean Air 747-8 will fly over the 18th Fairway above the TPC Snoqualmie Ridge Clubhouse.
Look up! That big jet can be seen from many areas of Snoqualmie, not just at the golf course. A great view for kids is at Snoqualmie Community Park.
For more information visit
Heavy Traffic Expected
The three-day Champions Tour event runs Friday, August 26th – Sunday, August 28th. WSDOT says drivers who use I-90 and SR 18 near Snoqualmie should also prepare for traffic congestion due to the event – and expect delays all weekend as large crowds head to the Boeing Classic.
BUT, to help with the congestion, Washington State Patrol (WSP) officers will provide traffic control at both the eastbound and westbound I-90/SR 18 interchanges.
The traffic control will take place from 11AM to 7PM on Friday, August. 26, and from 7AM to 7PM on both Saturday and Sunday, August. 27-28.

I went to Snoqualmie this afternoon at 3:20 PM. East bound I 90 was backed up with vehicles turning right on I 18. No police present as stated in your earlier post. Last week I almost got nailed. A woman in her black Bmer x5 jumped out in second lane next to I-18 exit. She stopped right there trying to get back on line and folks weren’t letting her. I thought I was going to get hit by fast moving traffic behind me. I flashed my lights, laid on my horn and she just stopped there whole my heart was racing as I was caught in her idiotic dangerous carelessness. Fortunately I made it but it was really scary. Several weeks ago 3 vehicles had a similar accident and they weren’t so luck. 3 cars caught fire and burned to the ground. We need serous help here before another serious or fatal accident.