The Loch Katrine Fire is at an estimated 1,918 acres (no IR flight on October 20).
Yesterday’s cool, cloudy, and humid conditions, combined with the smoke layer, dampened fire behavior to smoldering. This allowed crews to make significant progress.
Crews will continue to construct and strengthen containment lines: parallel to Highway 57, along the Phillippa Creek drainage, and in Sunday Creek. Hose lay continues in the Big Creek drainage. Assessments are being conducted to identify suppression repair points in preparation for those efforts.
Evacuations: No evacuations are currently in place for this fire.
Weather: Today will be cooler and bring rain and higher-elevation snow showers that will build throughout the day. The heaviest rain is likely to occur tonight (Friday evening) and into Saturday.

The forecast rainfall amount and duration are expected to be sufficient to diminish the fire threat, resulting in residual and limited smoldering in the heavy fuels. Caution: Rain will increase the risk of burn scar debris flows and flash floods.
[This information was provided to Living Snoqualmie by the Public Information Officer for]
I was wondering how far is Snoqualmie from the Loch Katrine area/fire, as the crow flies?
I’ve heard estimates of 10-13 miles