Local Tree Farm Seeks Volunteers To Help Save Future Snoqualmie Valley Christmas Trees – Saturday, March 17th

Calling all volunteers!  Future Snoqualmie Valley Christmas Tree crops need your help!

On February 21st during heavy rain, a flash flood brought hundreds of yards of sand and gravel down Tate Creek and through Mountain Creek Tree Farm in Snoqualmie, WA.  Many small Christmas trees had top soil around their tree roots washed away and replaced by sand.  In just a few weeks the Christmas trees will come out of dormancy and likely die if the damage is not repaired.  Unfortunately, the farm’s insurance does not cover this type of flood.

Residents, Boy Scout Troops, Venture Crews and Youth Groups throughout the valley are being called to volunteer action to help the local Christmas Tree Farm.   This Saturday, March 17th, from 10AM-3PM, Mountain Creek Tree Farm hopes to form a  50-100 person volunteer party to help rake the sand away from the Christmas trees and refill with top soil.  A hot lunch will be served to volunteers.

The service hours troops or crews contribute can be used as community service hours for the Journey to Excellence program.  If you would like to help with this event please contact Venturing Crew 115’s crew president, Amber Boyce, at aboyce@crew115.org. More details will be provided after attendance is confirmed.

Volunteers are asked to bring rakes, shovels and wheelbarrows.  Mountain Creek Tree farm is located at 6821 440th Ave SE Snoqualmie, WA.



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