Letter | Toft offers time, energy to better those around him; would be outstanding mayor

[This letter comes from former North Bend city councilman, David Cook. You can send letters of support for your candidate to info@livingsnoqualmie.com.]

Dear Editor,

I met Brad Toft in 2014 when I was asked to be a guest speaker at the weekly breakfast meeting of the Snoqualmie Valley Rotary.  Brad went on to formally sponsor my membership into Rotary and we became fast friends.  I was immediately impressed with Brad’s leadership within Rotary as its past President and an active leader within the group.  I was also surprised by his passion and concentrated focus on club fundraising projects such as the President’s Cup Golf Tournament, which benefit local humanitarian community groups like the food bank.  Brad has been continually committed to keep the club working hard to feed the hungry and help those most in need.  I have witnessed Brad demonstrating a high level of leadership skills, tact and people skills in his actions and words.

I was so impressed with Brad, that when I found out he managed a successful regional mortgage company, I invited him to represent our real estate agency as our preferred mortgage lender.  In the past three years, Brad has proven again and again his professionalism and business acumen to provide our clients and agents with top-notch mortgage services here in the Snoqualmie Valley.  Hands down, Brad has been the best mortgage provider I have worked with in my 18-years as a real estate agent.

I was glad when Brad volunteered and was elected to the City Council of Snoqualmie.  Public service is less of a job and more of a calling.  It’s a somewhat thankless job with lots of meetings, low pay and all sorts of political stress and criticism.  You have to really want to do it for some higher reason.  Brad has this insatiable desire to serve his community, to give back and help Snoqualmie be the best it can be.  The cost in time, energy and family is great, but Brad continues to offer his time and energy to better those around him.

It’s these qualities I have described above which makes me know that Brad would be an outstanding Mayor for Snoqualmie.  Fresh, new ideas can be a great thing.  Leadership, skills and passion can take those ideas and implement them into action.  However, it’s the integrity, trust and character of the leader to take the right actions and better the community for everyone.

I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to give Brad Toft a chance and support him for Mayor.

Sincerely yours,

David Cook, North Bend City Councilmember 2004-2015

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