Dear Editor,
As local citizens and small business owners, we want to share why we support Mark Mullet’s reelection to the State Senate for the Fifth Legislative District.
Last year, we contacted Senator Mullet to discuss how ‘e-bikes’ are not required to register as motorcycles, which was of interest since we make a small electric boat motor. We thought it fair to hope for a similar exemption for electric, low-powered small boats. but knew that changing a state law is difficult.
Once we explained the situation, Sen. Mullet became our advocate and drafted SB 6120 to amend the existing State registration requirements. He and his staff helped us through the process, keeping us updated as it progressed, and letting us know when to testify to the relevant committees.
Last March the bill passed, almost unanimously, and it’s updated the registration laws for most non-Federal waters in our State.
This is just one example of how much Senator Mullet works for our community and our small businesses. He has earned re-election to the Senate. We look forward to voting for him in November.
Joe and Linda Grez
PropEle Electric Boat Motors
North Bend residents

Now there’s an accomplishment worth noting. Wowser!!!
I’m voting for Mark!