Letter | Retain Matt Larson: strong leader, experienced voice for the region

[This letter was authored by Maria Carlson. Letters of candidate support can be sent to info@livingsnoqualmie.com]
Dear Editor,

I am writing in support of re-electing Matt Larson as Mayor of Snoqualmie.

Matt has extensive knowledge and experience in city governance. For the past 18 years, he has worked for the citizens of Snoqualmie, first as a volunteer on both the Parks Board and Planning Commission, then in elected positions on the City Council and as mayor. Since 2006, he has been a strong, visionary leader through challenging years of growth, always with a focus on the welfare of our city, its citizens and our precious environment.

Matt’s devotion to the concerns of Snoqualmie goes above and beyond serving our city locally as a full-time mayor.  As President of the Sound Cities Association, President of the Snoqulamie Valley Governments Association and founding member of the King County Flood Control District, his presence and involvement ensures Snoqualmie has a place at the table when regional concerns are discussed and decisions are made. He speaks for us when federal, state, and county funds are distributed.  Matt is endorsed by the Mayors of North Bend, Duvall, Carnation and Issaquah because they know the time and effort he devotes to our local priorities while also being our voice in the region.

Experience matters.  Vote for Matt Larson for Mayor of Snoqualmie on August 1st

Maria Carlson

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Living Snoqualmie