Letter | Prejudice for Candidate not Sufficient Cause to Meddle in Electoral Process, Thwart Solid Opponent

Dear Editor,

The October 24, 2015 letter submitted by select members of the Snoqualmie City Council is misleading.  My colleagues characterize themselves as simply mindful of the greater good and impartial judges of who can best serve on council.  The “Endorsed by Snoqualmie City Council” placards taped to Charles’ campaign signs also give the impression support is unprejudiced and unanimous (attached photo taken 10/27 at Fairway AVE and Ridge Street).  The City Council has not put an endorsement to vote for any candidate in this race, and as a member on council I do not endorse a candidate.

No elected official is indispensable.  Five of our eight elected officials have been in office for over a decade.  Most were appointed and most ran unopposed in subsequent elections.  In light of Charles Peterson’s extensive experience, he ran unopposed in every election this millennium.  Joe Larson challenging Charles is the first time he has had opposition in any race during Snoqualmie’s modern era, which is great for public dialogue.  We should encourage more citizens to run for office and avoid forming a unified front for or against any reasonable candidate.  Otherwise, we risk forming the unpleasant soft cronyism that can plague small towns.

I sit next to Charles Peterson during council meetings.  I respect Charles.  I like Charles, but prejudice for Charles is hardly sufficient cause to meddle with the electoral process and thwart a solid candidate.  As I began this campaign…  I encourage Snoqualmie residents to research the candidates and vote for who best represents them and their interests.  I seek for the democratic process to come out on top and for YOU to select the colleague I will sit next to in the coming year.

King County Voter’s Pamphlet |  www.charles4council.com |  www.gojoe4council.com

Thank you for your time,

Heather Munden

Councilmember, Position No. 5

City of Snoqualmie

PS… Ballots are due no later than this Tuesday, Nov 3rd 2015.

charles sign

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  • The author of this article says she hasn’t endorsed but has a Joe Larson sign out in front of her house. You can conclude what you want from that, but it should be known to the readers.

    1. Interesting Paul. You say “her house” but when I look up in King County property tax records she is not listed as a property owner in King County. Unique last name. I don’t know where she lives so are you sure you have the right place?

      This could also be an example of a house divided. I see many UW/WAZZU households on the Ridge. Or is it a multi-generational household? Is the sign actually in her yard or in a public strip adjacent to her home? There are lots of possibilities out there and with all the misinformation coming from the Peterson campaign I don’t believe it until I see it.

      There are many possible answers but you immediately imply there is a conspiracy. Sounds like you are part of the Peterson camp. Just thought it should be known to the readers. : )

      1. Paul, all of the conflicting information intrigued me to drive by the address she posted in the 2013 Voters’ Pamphlet. There is no Joe Larson sign there probably because the address is on Center Boulevard. My point is how can we believe you know where she lives and if there is truly a sign there with only your words and no evidence especially with all the verified flip-flipping and misleading?

        A follow-up question would be if this mystery sign does exist how do we know it is covertly hers and not a family members or the property owner’s if she rents. Geezzz I am getting tired going through all of these scenarios. Or we could just take her words at face value and stop the spin zone.

    2. Does that sign say “endorsed by Snoqualmie City Council”?

      Because it seems to me that the whole issue here is not with endorsement per se, but with the way it is done in a semi-official capacity. As private citizens, council members can endorse anyone they wish. But when acting in their official capacity as council members, that is very inappropriate – and when your endorsement has “Snoqualmie City Council” in large letters, larger than your name, you are acting, or at least pretending to act, in that official capacity.

  • Living Snoqualmie