Letter | MacLean the right choice for School Board

[To submit a letter in support of your candidate, email info@livingsnoqualmie.com.]

Dear Residents,

Snoqualmie Valley School District is as dynamic as it is wide. The Board of Directors and SVSD staff are in the midst of some huge near term changes that affect all of our Valley students – the High School construction project, Core 24, block scheduling and Full Day Kindergarten to name a few. These changes require quick and decisive action to maintain fiscal responsibility and protect timelines to keep them on schedule. Taxpayers and students alike benefit from this.

Tavish has a reputation of working collaboratively with administration and other board members to get issues resolved quickly and efficiently. He actively listens to staff in our schools as well as the community at large and brings feedback to the administration to formulate plans of action. He is focused on improving outcomes for kids without self-promotion. Good ideas come from everywhere – the students, staff, administration, community and fellow board members. He is customer service oriented and brings with that a strong interest in maintaining open dialog and a respectful, cohesive working relationship with fellow board members, the District, school staff and the parent and local communities.

The Board of Directors job comes with a steep learning curve. It takes time to understand the guidelines for both procedural and financial decisions for the District. Tavish has served in this role for 4 years, learning the foundation of the position, the processes and how decisions impact the District staff, students and taxpayers. Because of his reputation and experience, Tavish is a vital asset to the progress of our School District as we head into the next chapter of incredible change for our Valley schools.

While Tavish is running for Position 1, he believes the Director job requires protecting and preserving the welfare and interests of every neighborhood, every school, every family and every child. He has worked hard to do just that these past 4 years and I hope you will join me in voting for him in November so he can immediately get more accomplished these next 4 years!


Anne Stedman, North Bend

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