Letter | I strongly support Robert Angrisano for Fall City Fire Commissioner

[Letter by Terri Divers– Fall City, WA. Views expressed are those of the author, not the Living Snoqualmie website. You may submit letters of support for your candidate to info@livingsnoqualmie.com]

I met Robert Angrisano when working to defeat the merger, ensuring our Fire Department remained strong and independent.  He WILL NOT entertain contracting us away.  

Did you know commissioners can do that without a vote of the people, essentially gutting our Fire Department?  With one other Commissioner still on the board that voted to put the merger on the ballot, I believe if Robert’s opponent is re-elected, he will attempt to contract us away to Issaquah/District10 EFR.

Two years ago, Fall City residents elected a commissioner that represents the residents.  Now it’s time to elect the second one, and that’s Robert.  Robert is the Commissioner that will keep us strong and independent, listen to residents, and respond to our questions or concerns.  

Robert is a retired executive with many years experience running a successful business.  His financial knowledge is what our current board needs.  He will implement needed asset management planning and a fiscally responsible budget. 

Robert is FIRE strong with 17 years as a Fire Commissioner serving as Commission Chair, works for Swedish Hospital as an Emergency Medical Technician, and has been a volunteer firefighter for 31 years.  I so respect the countless hours Robert gave advocating COVID-19 testing for patients and staff at Nursing Homes and Assisted/Adult Living Facilities, being a vaccinator at the two mass vaccinations held at the Snoqualmie Valley Hospital and many other public vaccination sites, being a vaccination instructor and clinical tester. 

Robert Angrisano has my strong support, and I will be voting to elect him as Fall City Fire Commissioner.

Terri Divers, Fall City Resident 

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  • Thank you Ms Divers for your support.
    For those that don’ t know me, here are some of the things I stand for.
    I’ll keep our Fire Department STRONG.
    • I have deep Fire knowledge.
    o I’ve dedicated 31 years as a volunteer Firefighter, Emergency Medical Technician and state-certified EMT instructor.
    o I was elected for 17 years as a Fire Commissioner Chair with a history of fiscal responsibility, innovation and community commitment.
    • I understand what equipment, training and leadership our firefighters need, and have a proven record of obtaining those resources.
    I’ll keep our Fire Department INDEPENDENT.
    • As a Fall City resident I worked closely with our community to defeat the proposed merger with Issaquah Fire District 10, ensuring that our Fire Department would stay independent and focused on meeting the needs of our Fall City community.
    • As a Commissioner, I will always listen to your input and guarantee you a response to your questions or concerns.
    • The Commissioners work for and are accountable to all citizens in the district.
    • Commissioners have an obligation to operate the Fire Department in a way that serves the needs and wishes of the community. That means listening, developing a plan, and executing that plan in a fiscally responsible way.
    I’ll keep our Fire Department AFFORDABLE.
    • Fire Districts can successfully operate independently within the allowed tax structure.
    o Commissioners must have a working knowledge and understanding of how to work within the tax structure to address the financial needs of the District, while being fiscally responsible.
    • Prior to retirement I spent 30 years as a business executive, building and running a successful business.
    • As a Fire Commissioner, I grew a small community-based Fire District to one that covered approximately 20 square miles with 3 stations and 23 volunteer firefighters.
    • With my background in finance, I was able to acquire new engines, tenders, brush trucks and aid cars while staying within the tax revenue rate approved by the voters.

    I have deep fire knowledge, and a proven record of leadership, fiscal responsibility and community commitment. I would like to ask for your vote and help in keeping the Fall City Fire Department strong, independent, and affordable.
    Thank you
    Robert Angrisano

  • Living Snoqualmie