Letter | Councilmembers Endorse Peterson, his Extensive Experience, Decisions for Greater Good

Snoqualmie Residents,
As private citizens with experience as your Snoqualmie City Council Members, we are mindful of checks & balances inherent in our form of government and that we best serve our city and citizens when we set aside personal likes, dislikes and personal attachments, and make decisions based upon the greater good.
Snoqualmie City Council Member Charles Peterson consistently demonstrates this through his actions..  Charles’ experience is extensive, and he has an 18 year history serving on the Snoqualmie City Council.  In addition, he was Mayor for eight years and on the Planning Commission for five years.  He has diligently served on the Council’s Public Safety, Economic Development, and the Parks and Public Works committees.
Charles’ understanding and knowledge of the city is invaluable.  Experience counts, and we all have greatly benefited from his experience.
Charles focused pursuit of what is best for the city has been consistently demonstrated in a collaborative, teaming manner.  His broad list of endorsements from Snoqualmie’s past & present electeds, North Bend’s past & present electeds, numerous community members, neighbors, and friends are a true testament of faith.
For these reasons and more, we ask that you join us when you cast your vote and re-elect Charles Peterson for Snoqualmie City Council.
Thank you
Robert Jeans  Chelley Patterson   Bryan Holloway
Kingston Wall  Kathi Prewitt
Letter to Editor

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  • It seems Charles Peterson’s integrity takes a back seat during close races. He recently added small blue stickers to his campain signs stating “Endorsed by City Council.” However, he is NOT endorsed by this body. This is because he does not have the all-important endorsement from Council Member Heather Munden.

    It seems Charles Peterson now has the same truth and transparence as Brad Toft. That’s too bad because up until now I thought he was running a solid campaign.

  • Need to read the blue stickers. Says he is endorsed by Snoqualmie City Council members and lists their names. Yes, Heather isn’t listed. What’s wrong with that? Doesn’t say he is endorsed by the City Council. Just members of council.

  • Nice try. The blue stickers I took photos of on Saturday clearly read “Endorsed by City Council.” If members on Charles Peterson’s campaign are going to do a switch-a-roo and then lie by omission regarding the misleading signs, please remember there is technology that will catch them in their lie.

    A simple apology is all that had to be done. Attempting a cover-up or implying I cannot read simply makes the candidate look bad. I entered this campaign season as a neutral, open-minded outsider. It has been interesting to see how candidates and campaigns respond to a referee.

    It seems as if Brad Toft is the least accepting of public discourse and public disagreement. This is interesting since he is the one who wants to become a public servant.

    1. Are you sure there aren’t different stickers on different signs? The ones by my house have always said the council members names – at least that I have noticed. Personally, I didn’t see any without the names noted, but obviously I haven’t driven by all of the signs with the blue stickers.

    2. Maddie, I contacted the Peterson campaign and was told all stickers have always had the endorsing council members names on them. They have now printed larger stickers so that those names show more clearly.

    1. Cover ups are always more damaging than the mistep. Around last Saturday “Endorsed by Snoqualmie City Council” stickers appeared on Charles Peterson’s signs ask over town. The next day I posted a comment expressing concerns and the very next day these blue endorsement stickers were magically being replaced with individual names instead of Snoqualmie City Council.

      The only problem is whoever tried to covertly replace these stickers missed several signs which is evident my the photo associated with Heather Munden’s letter dated today. These are the blue stickers I saw all over town last Saturday.

      Danna, you say you talked with the Peterson Campaign but did you speak with anyone else? Did you call Joe Larson or City Hall to see if they received any complaints. Just catering to one side of the issue and not asking thouroghal questions does a diservice and continues this disingenuous actions.

      All that had to be done is for Peterson to acknowledge, apologize, and move on. Instead he appears to employed covert and disingenuous actions. He and his campaign are silent and remain silent on this issue when communication and leadership is welcomed.

      1. Maddie, I am still confused. The individual names of council members were on both versions of the stickers. The photo Heather attached to her letter has the individual names. The stickers were enlarged, to my understanding, and placed on the signs the after first being placed, so that the names would be even more visible. So I am sorry, amidst the past three days I did not contact Joe or city hall for comment on a blue sticker that in both versions listed the city council members names who endorse the candidate whose campaign placed the sticker on that candidate’s sign. Am I missing something? I am trying to find the covert actions you are referring to. This really just doesn’t seem an issue if the council member names were listed on both versions of the stickers – and Heather’s photo shows the original version. The second version I saw in my neighborhood is larger and longer. Both have the council members names.

        1. “Endorsed by Snoqualmie City Council” is how the text on the blue sticker begins. These stickers were on the Parkway, Jacobia, Swensen, Douglas, Center, Ridge, and Fairway [that I saw]. It does not say endorsed by the following city council members or the following elected individuals endorse Charles Peterson. It simply states “Endorsed by Snoqualmie City Council.” That alone should be concerning enough because this is a FALSE statement. It is my understanding the replacement version is a CYA sticker and clarifies “Endorsed by Snoqualmie City Council Members” [which is not a false statement].

          To further mislead the public five names are listed below “Endorsed by Snoqualmie City Council.” This then implies the city council consists of five members as listed. Most Snoqualmie residents probably do not know how many council members we have but they probably know we have an odd number of council members to avoid a tie vote.

          In fact it is my understanding based on meeting minutes and Valley Record online archives the Snoqualmie’s city council consisted of only five council members just over ten years ago before the two downtown council representatives [including Charles Peterson] were appointed [not initially elected] to the city council to expand the council from five members to seven members in order to accommodate our city’s rapid growth from 1,200 to 8,000.

          Simple ask the Peterson Campaign why the “Endorsed by Snoqualmie City Council” stickers where replaced with other stickers immediately after my Living Snoqualmie comment to see what you learn. Its an awfully interesting coincidence these stickers were flip-flopped immediately after my LS comment and it is even more interesting Charles Peterson and his campaign have been COMPLETELY silent on this topic.

  • Living Snoqualmie