Letter | Carnation Farms and Remlinger/STG Concert Event Venues: Public Response to King County Carnation Farms TUP Permit

[Letter by Simone Oliver & Jules Hughes, Carnation Community Alliance. Views expressed are those of the authors, not the Living Snoqualmie website. You may submit letters to the editor or opinion posts to info@livingsnoqualmie.com]

Carnation, time is of the essence! Today is the deadline to comment on Carnation Farms’ Temporary Use Permit to King County.

If you have comments, please submit them to fdehkordi@kingcounty.gov. We appreciate Carnation Farms submitting through the TUP permit process; some of the concerns have been thought through, and we still have concerns about traffic – 4,000 people is the same size as St Michelle concerts and will have a significant impact on our local access and roads, elk habitat – their proposed parking areas for events over 500 people will be located in the lower ag lands where the elk reside, emergency access – we live in a small community that does not have access to much emergency care – these events need to provide their own private EMS ambulances and medics to be on hand to handle emergency services not to strain our already limited supply, and lastly the events should provide shuttles from larger urban transit centers to alleviate road congestion and possible DUI’s.

These are the concerns we have, and we will be voicing them to King County. Please comment by tomorrow and ask that your comments be part of the public record. It is also imperative for the County to review the Carnation Farms proposal in conjunction with the recent KC vesting of STG/Remlinger Farms for a 6,000-person concert venue up to 34 times per year – which we believe is not allowable by code. The two venues equate to 5 times the population of Carnation when both farms hold large events simultaneously. PM us with ?’s or email us at carnationcommunityalliance@gmail.com.

We have also included our letters to King County and the executive that outlines where the Remlinger Farms/STG vesting does not meet code and why it should be revoked and/or modified at minimum. We are working with the County and Sarah Perry on this issue. We would appreciate more input from other local groups to advocate for a clear, open permit process that allows for public comment and review.

IF you have any questions, please email us at carnationcommunityalliance@gmail.com or call us at 425.941.4320.

Thank you so much – Simone Oliver & Jules Hughes, Carnation Community Alliance

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Living Snoqualmie