Letter | 6 Reasons I am voting to re-elect Mayor Larson

[This letter comes from Snoqualmie resident and former City of North Bend Finance Director, Elena Montgomery. You can send letters of support for your candidate to info@livingsnoqualmie.com]

Dear Editor,

  1. Just because of the fact that Mayor Larson managed to get the I90/SR 18 Transportation project moved up on WSDOT’s schedule, I am voting to re-elect the Mayor. He could do so because of the in-roads he has developed on many levels throughout Washington State.
  2. As a former Finance Director (1996-2010) for the City of North Bend, I have reviewed the City’s financial statements and found them to be fiscally healthy and accurate. The City has a balanced budget and adequate reserves for the critical operational cost centers. Mayor Larson and the City Council run a fiscally conservative City.
  3. Our town is beautiful! From the redeveloped Historical Downtown to the Community Park on Snoqualmie Ridge, projects are beautifully executed. Because of Mayor Larson’s back ground in architectural design, I would bet there is a connection.
  4. Cities that have continuity perform best. The learning curve for Mayors is a steep one, especially since the 1990 Growth Management Act passed by the Washington State Legislature. Equally, if not more challenging, is the daunting task of funding and constructing transportation projects. The next Mayor may be working with all new Council Members after the November 2017 election.
  5. Mayor Larsen has held the line on growth to previously approved development including all aspects of Snoqualmie Ridge. He has said that the unapproved 55+ community proposal submitted for annexation would be subject to public input and public hearings as required and as good public involvement policy. He has not committed one way or the other on this proposal.
  6. And last but not least, Mayor Larson has integrity. During his 12 years of service, I have not heard of any missteps, public or personal. Mayor Larson has executed his vision of the town he wants to live in and we have all benefited.
Elena Montgomery
Former Finance Director for the City of North Bend

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Living Snoqualmie