UPDATE | January 17th
Waste Management said there would be no pickups in Snoqualmie for the rest of the week. Drivers, though, will pickup double loads on customers’ scheduled collection days next week.
Republic was out try to do collections on Thursday, but said drivers may not be able to access all streets. If your pickup was missed, please put out a double load next week at no extra charge.
Both cities said their plows continue to work to treat city streets. They were out overnight and will continue working throughout Friday.
Republic canceled garbage collection on Friday, January 17th, due to hazardous road conditions.
With little to no snowfall overnight the City of Snoqualmie said ‘snow recovery’ is on the upswing, but with strong winds in the forecast on January 15th, PSE is preparing for possible power outages and the city said crews are ready to clear trees, branches, and debris.
The City of North Bend said its crews worked through the night once and again and will continue plowing and spreading sand where needed. They also warned residents about potential wind saying, “The combination of heavy, wet snow and gusty winds could bring down trees and power lines, causing power outages.”
At 7AM Snoqualmie provided the following update:
Plowing and De-Icing – Do not park on streets, even if they are clear.
Crews will continue around the clock de-icing and plowing streets throughout the city. Please do not park cars in streets even if they are clear of snow. Plowing needs to continue curb to curb. Snow will not likely be melting today, but please begin clearing debris off storm drains.
Waste Management – No residential service Wednesday, January 15th. Bring carts in.
Residential garbage and recycle service will not occur today. All pick-up this week is moved forward one day: Wednesday on Thursday; Thursday on Friday; Friday on Saturday. Monday and Tuesday customers: Please bring in your carts and put out double loads on your next pick-up day at no extra charge. Alerts: http://servicealerts.wmnorthwest.com/snoqualmie/
Puget Sound Energy – Prepare for high winds.
Crews with Puget Sound Energy are preparing for high winds forecast to begin this afternoon and into the night. Wind, coupled with heavy, wet snow, could cause tree damage and power outages. Snoqualmie Parks & Public Works crews will clear fallen trees and branches from Snoqualmie streets and sidewalks as quickly as possible. Storm safety information: https://www.pse.com/pages/storm
At 8:30AM North Bend provided the following update:
North Bend Road Conditions:
City of North Bend Public Works crews have been out on the roads throughout the night and will continue plowing where needed and spreading sand and salt in intersections and on hills. The City maintains roads within the city limits and King County maintains roads in outlying areas. Please check the Snow Plow Route Map to find out where your neighborhood falls. The City asks that residents please move vehicles from the sides of roads and out of cul-de-sacs to allow snowplows to clear those areas.
Trash & Recycling Services:
Republic Services garbage and recycling is cancelled today [Wednesday] due to the hazardous road conditions. They will be collecting doubles at no charge on your next service day.
Republic also services the Fall City area. Garbage collection there is also canceled for January 15th.

I used to work over their years ago. I can remember one time it snow how times are changing in your weather .
I life here noing that city so great. So blessing. Two day is so much snowing. Yikes!