Does it feel like it’s been raining for two weeks straight? If so, that’s because it pretty much has.
North Bend Weather reported that approximately 10 inches of rain fell on the Snoqualmie Valley during the first 15 days of April… and all that rain has caused a couple of landslides in our area, one covering a lane of SR 18 over the weekend at the I-90 interchange and another covering a busy local trail.
According to Mountains to Sound Greenway, a large landslide across a 200 ft. section of the popular Middle Fork trail has forced its closure.
As the slide area is still reported to be potentially active – with a high danger level – the forest service is recommending that the entire trail be avoided.
Per the Mt.Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest Ranger District alert: “Following a significant slide across the Middle Fork Trail, hazardous conditions require a closure of the trail to ensure public safety.”
The slide was first reported by hikers during the weekend of April 7th. The full extent wasn’t known until April 12th when a volunteer went to scout the area.
The forest service reports the landslide occurred about one mile upstream of the Middle Fork trailhead, adding that “a large slide block of about 200′ x 500′ slumped, leaving scarps from 5′ to 20′ high.”
An estimated 200′ section of the Middle Fork trail goes right through the slide and is now impassible because of soft mud and downed trees in the middle of it.
Mountains to Sound Greenway says once the area stabilizes, they will work with with Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest and partners to repair the trail.
Alternate routes for those who enjoy hiking the Middle Fork include the CCC Trail, Pratt River Trail or Granite Lakes Trail.
Mountain to Sound Greenway says the trail is closed for the remainder of 2018. You can see all of Monty VanderBilt photos of the landslide area HERE.