King County will close Lake Alice Road SE from June to August 2015 to replace a damaged culvert and avoid a complete collapse or plugging of the culvert, which would make Lake Alice Road impassable.
According to King County Road Services, the four-foot diameter culvert is severely deformed 35 below the road’s surface and a portion of the pipe’s bottom has rusted through.
The new culvert’s floor will be designed to mimic a stream bed to allow fish passage, will meet the state standards for fish passage, improve the natural stream processes and improve drainage under the road. The county will also replace a rock wall at the site.

Summer Detour
While the road construction occurs, a detour through Snoqualmie Ridge will get residents of Lake Alice in and out of their residences via Southeast Sorenson Street (in the Heights neighborhood) to Carmichael Street to Douglas Ave and then to Snoqualmie Parkway.
A temporary repair of the culvert was made during spring 2013, with a similar detour through Snoqualmie utilized.
King County and the City of Snoqualmie worked together to explore ways to reduce traffic impacts through Snoqualmie neighborhoods during the detour.
The city’s Public Works Department will monitor the project within the Snoqualmie Ridge neighborhoods in collaboration with King County, which will manage the project in the Lake Alice neighborhood.
Snoqualmie’s Public Works Department is reviewing parking areas along the detour route in an effort to reduce any possible restrictions during the road closure.
The Snoqualmie Police Department will also monitor traffic, add patrols to the area, and place a radar speed trailer on Southeast Sorenson Street. Detour signs and reduced speed limit signs will be added where appropriate.
King County Road Services says drivers should anticipate traffic delays and plan accordingly.

I hope the roadwork at Douglas and the Parkway is completed by the time this detour is started. The progress of replacing the crosswalks and repaving the intersections at Douglas and Fairway is taking a long time, and I wonder if it has fallen behind schedule?