King County recently provided a river hazards update to its website, warning boaters and floaters of hazardous conditions along the Snoqualmie, and other local rivers.
On the Snoqualmie River at River Mile 36.1 – on the bend before the Snoqualmie Falls Golf Course in Fall City – there is a large tree and branches/brush hazard along the river bank.
King County said the river, in this otherwise calm reach, pushes floaters along the left bank where trees continue to fall in from the eroding riverbank.
Floaters are advised to get out on the right bank gravel bar and walk around the hazard.
The county reminds river-goers that boating and river-related recreation is, by definition, hazardous. King County’s rivers are often swift and cold, and conditions can change without notice.
- Hazards are often unseen; remain alert.
- Always wear a lifejacket.
- Do not use alcohol or drugs when recreating on a river.
- Watch children closely.
- Choose safe swimming options, such as those with lifeguards present.